Mohawks Rock

Lost a relationship over your hair? I need your help!

I've been with my boyfriend for three years. And I love changing my hair, but my bf hates it. Its been chin length, no bangs, betty bangs, side bangs, blonde bangs, streaked, black, long as fuck, "fox-tailed" (I'll add a pic of that one), and now its chopped back to shoulder length. He deals with it but he throw a tantrum like a 2 yr old.


I've been wanting a mohawk for some time now, although I would probably get a faux cuz i have to have my hair.But the dillemma is that my bf will for sure be "done" with me as he says almost everytime we fight.


I don't know what to tell him anymore. I've tried the looks don't matter, beauty's on the inside, the "you had a 'hawk too, even though it only lasted 3 days" approach, and nothing works. He just won't grow a pair and suck it up.


Any ideas?





So him and I got in a fight last week (he left me for another girl who ended up being flakey) and I got my mohawk. Well him and I started talking again.  I sent a pic of it spiked (i did 3 big spikes and a few shitty ones in the back, i got lazy lol) and he hates it,  but I sent a pic of it down and he thinks its cute is he doesnt look at the uncovered side. HAHA. what now bitch?


I probably wont get back together with him for a (long)while, he lost my trust, but i still wanna be friends.


new pics attached of my mohawk :D

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Punch him in the balls.
This will solve anyones relationship problems. =D
except infertility... xD
Adopt. :D
Give orphaned and/or unwanted children a home.
See? Solving more problems.
On a serious note. He should love you no matter what you look like.

My boyfriend shaved off his eyebrows once (I did not approve) but it never made me love him less. Hairy or hairless, it shouldn't really be the issue. Maybe there is a deeper issue?
Firstly, I hope he has his eyebrows back. Lol.

My bf definitely has some issues but I can't get into that thick skull of his about this hair thing! Here's the nasty catch, he doesn't care about my style, no matter what I try, but when it comes to hair, he told my friend "A girl should have shoulder length hair or longer." Little bastard. He's even dated a chick with a 'hawk before. Maybe he needs to grow up and come to some sort of senses? I'm not sure. But three years in a relationship is a lot to lose, especially over hair.
Just remember, people and hair both change. Im not saying go break up with him right now. But maybe think about it and discuss it with him? See exactly what about it he doesn't like, compromise maybe. Ive been in a relationship for quite some time myself, but sometimes things like hair (or lack of) are fine as long as the person doesn't change them self. And remind him, you will still be the same person no matter what color, shape, or form your hair is in.
Very very true. He's been so stubborn lately and ironically, he's changed much over time, mainly in recent time. Sometimes its like he's not worth my time anymore.
honestly, if he makes such a big deal over a silly thing like hair.... well how worth it is it to you? i know three years is a long time to be with someone, but over that time, he should have developed a lot of feelings for you and shouldn't care what you do to your hair.

if it was me, i wouldn't let anything he says control what i do. if YOU want a hawk, go for it. if HE can't deal with it, it's his problem and it's unfortunate that he can't get past his immaturity.

do what's best for you though. if he's trying to control what you do now with your hair... could it get worse in the future?
Well, to deepen the matter at hand, he's in Oregon, I'm in Nevada. He has double standards for just about anything, but he used to be totally chill. I know its gotta be some personal shit of his, and one of three things will happen (1-he'll break, 2-he'll change, 3-he'll die). Hoping for the best of course (and somedays its death, lol), but I honestly don't know how I got in deep with this wacko kid.

In the end, everything will be okay, and if its not okay, then its not the end. I'm stuck with the man problem more than hair problems. I've always been the girl who'll pull off anything with confidence. But my confidence with him and his sanity? Shrinking daily. Maybe he's just going crazy with the fact that nothing remains unchanged, including my hair and my fashion sense.

His immaturity lies within his yearning for maturity. GRR.<----- End of story to that one.
NEW update!
I finally had a decent conversation with him about my hair and he says he doesn't want to be associated with people who look like that or want to look like that. Oh and now it's my hair, my choice.

He called for a break before Thanksgiving and we've been acting like we're still together. He plays the single card when he wants to. But I still want to be with him, I have a lot of hope for me and him and I don't know why.

My parents hate him and he's given up, which is just more the reason for me to keep going on, to prove them wrong. True love prevails, right? Or is it just me wanting to prove the world wrong? I'm as stuck on this as duct tape on a nipple. :/
tell him to stop bitching about hair styles!!! haha its fucking hair nothing to complain about i have a mohawk and luckily no girls have complained haha i had a girly girl girlfreind before she didnt even complain aw she said was ew haha but she didnt say shave it off or anything lol


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