Mohawks Rock

Ok who out there has had a shitty relationship? How about a horrible breakup? How did you get over it and move on? I got out of a really great relationship that ended in a really shitty way and I'm in the process of moving on, still having trouble though. Interested to know what you guys have been through and how you got through it.

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I'm one of the lucky ones, the only bad breakup I've ever had was when my ex freaked out thinking I was going to leave him (he was ridiculously paranoid) and I got so annoyed with it I finally did.. I generally dated people mature enough to understand when a relationship wasn't working out for me.

Even though I've got no tips I hope things get better for you! Hang in there.

i've had some not so great relationships. some lasting a week or a month. some being great then the feelings just went away. 

the worst relationship i have ever had was the one i had with my daughter's father. we weren't together long. maybe 3 months. eventually i just walked away from him because i gave him many chances to try and change his life and even tried to help him but i guess it wasn't that important to him. see, he was a heroin addict. he used meth. crack. drank alcohol. smoked weed. i got pregnant fairly quick after meeting him so i only stayed with him to try to get him better so he could be a father. i guess it just wasn't that important to him cause he would only stay sober for about a day then go right back to it. we fought CONSTANTLY. screaming and yelling. now, i'm a very peaceful person, very nice. i never fight with anyone. i get along perfectly with everyone. but him, he brought out a side of me i have never seen in myself. i threw things at him. i tried to hit him. i'd scream and yell. it made me upset that a person could make me do that and he never changed so i left him.

now my daughter is 4 months old and he has never seen her. i last saw him when i was 4 months pregnant.

its a hard choice to decide whether to have your child's father in your life or not, but i'd rather her just have me and my family than have to deal with the kind of person he is.

but i can happily say, i've been in a VERY loving relationship for the last 8 months and he is absolutely wonderful to me. and he loves my daughter.

just remember, when things seem really terrible, just wait, cause in time things will get amazing again.

yeah man I am waiting, it's been almost a year since we broke up (and he broke up with me, out of nowhere. We were on the track to getting married and having kids and the whole thing and were really happy. then out of nowhere he completely changed and broke up with me and broke my heart.). I've just been trying to work on myself and get to where I love being me again. I now realize that even though we had a great relationship, i had gotten to where I hung on his every word and all i was about was making him happy, to the point where I lost myself completely. And that is SO NOT LIKE ME. So I'm trying to find that place of confidence and ambition and self-love that i used to know, y'know? It's just hard. I expected to be moved way on by now.

I had a sorta shitty one.

I of course started out loving him, maybe also because I didn't knew anything about his mental issues. I learned to live with and new what to do when he got anxiety and I were there for him all the time, but as time went it hurt me too, like it depressed me 'n stuff.

Then, after almost 15 months together, my feelings disappeared little by little, but I couldn't brake up with him. So in a smaller argue, he asked if there were no longer a me and him and I said no... then we broke up, but he didn't gave up. I wanted to be friends, but every time I couldn't go to his place he got so angry with me, which made me just sad every time, also angry with him of course, but I didn't want to loose him, you know.

Months went with this, ya just until January, this year (I broke up with him in December). I told him that I didn't wanted us to have any contact any more, 'cause he took a lot of my time and a lot of my energy when I needed to focus on my school. He got angry with me, of course, and we argued via texts all day in school. He called me a lot of things and said a lot of things that wasn't true.

Finally when it was about 2 pm and I was on my way home, he gave up. He deleted my phone number which I'd told him to hell of a times, he left me alone just like I wanted it to be, and every one can feel a positive change around me, like I'm happier and such.

That guy was no good for me.

yeah the no contact thing is a good idea. It makes it so much easier to move on with your life when you don't have to be constantly reminded of them. I haven't talked to nor heard from my ex since we broke up, but I have a feeling he lied to me a lot about why we were breaking up and that he lied to me during our relationship so I don't really feel like I have as much closure.

Lies or truth, I wouldn't care, it belongs to the past and there's apparently a reason why you aren't together anymore. :)


Oh, and then I coincidently saw my ex, just today as I posted this, after I haven't seen him for month. We didn't even greeted each other, couldn't even worthy him as much as a glance.

Also he's turned all skin-ish, just... fail-skin-ish. Hohohooo..

hahaha :D good he doesn't deserve it!
He sure doesn't, and then he can call me what he wants to, I know I'm a bitch. :D
uhhhhh hmmmm well I guess my input is useless here I have been with my wife since I was 18,I'm 33 now so I pretty much don't remember anything before then lol
right now I am on the edge of a divorce... from my best friend and soul mate and father of my two daughters. The details started becoming more and more clear recently that he is having an affair but I don't know how to go about wrecking my family to gain happiness so for now I stay, and sleep on the couch. My previous relationship lasted for 6 years and I got away by realizing if I stayed I would never have the life I had hoped for myself... you should never lose yourself to your relationship, it should make you a better you instead. I think I am going to try marriage counceling with my husband after we move and get settled this next weekend. Hopefully things work out, if not I am going to try my damndest to do 'the bruce willis thing' and be cool with my ex hubby for the kiddos sake. We shall see...
Oh man I am so sorry to hear that :( from y'alls pictures, you look really close. I hope you guys can figure it out too, though I myself have no tolerance for cheaters (though with kids in the picture, its definitely more complicated.) And definitely if you can go to counselling do it because even if it doesn't save your marriage, it can at least help make things easier, what with having an impartial person to vent to and help you sort through everything
haha great advice ;P


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