Mohawks Rock

Do you sacrifice the length of your mohawk for the convince?
Or do you rock it long?

How long is too long for you?
Does your car, job, weather/climate effect the length of your hair?
Or is it just easier to put it up when it shorter?

I'm considering getting a trim from my 5 and a half inch mohawk becasue its becoming increasingly harder to put up with the humidity, I'm looking for a job, and sitting/being in cars is becoming a hassle for me. But I want to know what you do?

And how often do you get a trim?
Or a cut?

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I normally just let it grow until i can't stand it anymore. I have a preference for shorter hair (anywhere from 7 inches down to 3.5) and actually just cut my hair back down into that range. I have done long, I love it when I want to wear a pony tail or something.

I was still driving and putting my hair up when it was over a foot long.. hehe. But it is a hell of a lot easier and cheaper to do when it's shorter.
And I don't like having it if I can't put it up thats why I didn't just let it grow and go for a world record ;-)
I know what you mean. I'm allmossttt at pony tail length (even if I leave a little bangs) and I feel like I would put it up less if it was longer and I had an alternative style that still looked rad.
Once it gets longer, I think the general concensus on the site is they do it less frequently, but leave it up for as long as possible. haha, and then that way, people nearly shit themselves when they see it up if they haven't seen it in a few weeks (ITS HUGEEEEE, etc)

Oh man, there are lots of fun ways to do it. Since I have the chelsea portion too, I pull everything that isn't a part of it back and use bobby pins, clips, or claws to hold it back and just spray a bit of hair spray in it and dry it messy. It's pretty cute, actually. haha.
And sometimes I do the same parting, but I'll pull it into itself, almost like a bun, except flat, and spray and pin it.
My hawk is just a little over a foot, and it's a bitch putting it up.
But when it is up, I'll leave it up for two weeks or so.
It could hold for longer, but it gets pretty nasty past two weeks.
5 1/2? Hot damn! I had a 14" mohawk both times and yeah, it was a definite pain in the ass but well worth the beauty.

I loved the feel of it and the look it gave me. I lived in Missouri, so humidity did suck but hey, try Aqua Net and a straightener. It worked wonders for me.

I'd never have sacrificed my beautiful 14"s for convenience.
aquanet <3
I swear by hair spray. Light produc + decent/strong hold = amazing hair and fewer issues keeping it up!

14 was where i decided to cut mine off. haha. I have a lot of hair...
i never sacrifice for convenience. i rock that shit long. and nothing is too long for me. im at 10 inches now and it is a bitch to get in cars and go places. ill keep it up for about a week at a time, sometimes less, sometimes more.
I think this video is a perfect tutorial for anyone who wants to rock a long 'hawk and do it up easily.
It also has fancy science words!!
i love my hawk to be long.. when i cant put it up on my own thats when i draw the line, i refuse to depend on other people to take care of my hair. it doesnt get very humid here so i dont usually have a problem with the weather but sitting comfortably in a car often turns out difficult, and i dont drive so i dont have to deal with that crap.

i dont trim it as often as i should because thats something i actually cant do on my own


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