Mohawks Rock

kids have there lives messed up because of drug search

39 kids were expelled from my school today, lots more were searched including myself. the administration put some kids on the task of eves dropping on conversations the last month and took notes of it. they checked facebooks and pulled every student that has talked about doing drugs selling drugs or having drugs. today they turned in there so called "work" and all of us were searched. more than half of the students expelled wer expelled for bottles of advil, normal medicens for there illness, and aderal. only about 5 kids were caught with dime bags. no REAL drugs were ever found at all. now all these strate A students lost all there scholerships and basically there whole life plan and are now in jail or in a program because of this dumb shit. now the entire student body is protesting the school and serving the snitches wut they deserve. tomarow will be complete chaos and will more than likly be on the news.  KEEP IN MIND MANATEE HIGHSCHOOL IS AN A SCHOOL WITH THE LOWEST CRIME RATE IN THIS PART OF FLORIDA. Wut do you guys take of this? honest opinions even if its not wut peaple want to here.

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exactly the point i wus trying to make. 1 mess up and your life is ruined. the kids with pot didnt give a dam, but the other kids, yea there pissed.


Especially when the creator of this discussion needs an education so damn badly.


starting? the usa has been slowly making all the kids soft over here by brainwashing them. now instead of smart kids that just drink and smoke and no how to regulate it, we have either super strate edge kids, or realy realy fn stupid kids all jacked up on pills. there are very few in between any more

"we have either super strate edge kids, or realy realy fn stupid kids all jacked up on pills."

Wow, so your area has a problem with pill poppers?

maybe thats why the school is cracking down so hard...



Nah, those two things can't be related... 

Not surprising, I quit school when I was 16 because Florida education is bs. I was an honor roll student in michigan, got here and my mind was full of fuck. 


 I can see you're devastated, you could have missed a valuable lesson in spelling and grammar XD.


 Joking aside, When you're enrolled in a public school, You are legally under certain restrictions according to their policy. And they will do what is necissary to enforce it.

 By means of 'eves dropping conversations' or veiwing facebook profiles or other internet data that is always open for third partys to view, and use to incriminate. Since there is no law against it and all, they are well entitled to do that.


I guess all those 'straight A' students have to work hard, pay off loans, scrape through college like eeeverybody else.

Really, I wouldnt think a 'punker' would be very sympathetic to that kind..


I'm on anti-depressants that i have to take on a schedule, but becuase i go to school i have to take them before at around 6 am, only problem is everyday i have to take them at 6 so I can't sleep in ever :/. Despite that I think it's good to keep drugs out, I know a few guys who sell their ADHD meds to other kids, it's kinda fucked up really.
My brother got ADHD drugs that could have helped him so much but he decided it would be a better idea to crush them up and snort them. His psychiatrist is now not prescribing them to him and he's a mess. *sigh* But having kids spy on other kids to get them in trouble is just a whole-nother kind of wrong.

oh lord thats super silly. 

tell your brother that snorting ADHD drugs don't do anything... it doesn't hit you faster or harder because its not absorbed through your membranes. So basically he got caught forrrrrr..... nothing. D:


although i do hope that he gains the doctors trust back, and can get the help he needs. for kids who actually have ADHD, its a total bitch and a half to handle.  

Dude thats fucked up. Seriously. Do some adults just get stupid or something? I swear they don't understand anything. If there was mass chaos on that day I think the people in charge should get blamed for it. Fucking morons.


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