Mohawks Rock

kids have there lives messed up because of drug search

39 kids were expelled from my school today, lots more were searched including myself. the administration put some kids on the task of eves dropping on conversations the last month and took notes of it. they checked facebooks and pulled every student that has talked about doing drugs selling drugs or having drugs. today they turned in there so called "work" and all of us were searched. more than half of the students expelled wer expelled for bottles of advil, normal medicens for there illness, and aderal. only about 5 kids were caught with dime bags. no REAL drugs were ever found at all. now all these strate A students lost all there scholerships and basically there whole life plan and are now in jail or in a program because of this dumb shit. now the entire student body is protesting the school and serving the snitches wut they deserve. tomarow will be complete chaos and will more than likly be on the news.  KEEP IN MIND MANATEE HIGHSCHOOL IS AN A SCHOOL WITH THE LOWEST CRIME RATE IN THIS PART OF FLORIDA. Wut do you guys take of this? honest opinions even if its not wut peaple want to here.

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lol thats all you have to say, that sucks! but i gess you got the rite point of veiw, who gives a fuck lol



 that shit happend to me in january
they searched a shit load of kids at my school (narbonne high)  . so many peoploe got caught with weed including myself. i got kicked out of school. since then i hvent done shit. BULLSHIT

here's an idea... 

dont be an idiot and bring drugs to school.



I dont give a shit if kids were caught with drugs that are prescribed to them, most schools wont allow you to carry prescription drugs on you without first checking them in with the school nurse and having your parents fill out a form. These rules are usually located in the student handbook, announcements that are sent home, signs in the nurses office, or given to you as a warning the first time you are caught taking your medication in class... that rule has probably been beaten into your head since you were in elementary school... so not knowing it by the time you get to high school isn't a good excuse. 


those are the rules, abide by them or get fucked. If you chose to get fucked, then don't complain like a little bitch. 

fuckin wow grandpa. why the hell are you even on this site? its not for seniors to come on here and bitch about kids and how we do drugs and walk on your grass haha

Why am i on this site? Well its a social networking site for people with mohawks... and i have a mohawk. 

and YOU said: "Wut do you guys take of this? honest opinions even if its not wut peaple want to here."
why the fuck would you ask for my opinion when you're just going to bitch at me for not agreeing with you? Next time you should say "What do you guys take of this? I only want to hear your honest opinions if they agree with mine." you cock. 


i just see that the law is the law and there aren't exceptions. 

if the rule says "no medication can be carried on a student" then you shouldn't have ANY pills on you and must go through the school nurse if you wish to take any medication. In public schools, this is usually a rule that has followed you through elementary school so most students know this. 

When you dont abide by the rules, you are taking a risk. Doesn't matter how big or small but you realize when you throw that bottle of advil in your backpack that there is a possibility of getting caught and you getting screwed over. 


Yes, I've gotten in trouble for carrying medication on myself and ive gotten in trouble for plenty of other things in high school as well. Don't mistake me for a goody two shoes, I'm was the trouble maker who knew the rules and found loop holes which only fucked with the system more. 

I also realized though that if a rule is broken and i got caught for it. Its MY fault, and i needed to shut up and take responsibility. Shit rolls downhill... remember that. 





yes, i think the school is a bit over the top with how they found these students and quite honestly find it hard to believe because its so extreme. 

I also think you're a bit over dramatic talking about how these kids lives are ruined... It doesn't just stop at being expelled. If all of this actually happened (the punishments being this harsh) and isn't some worked up rumor created by the student body, then i assure you that the parents will take legal action. 

I look forward to reading the news article.  


     What the fuck is wrong with you people how the fuck old are you guys to be on hear bitching and complaining about drugs i mean really


I can't tell if this is directed to me or not, so please excuse me if im mistaken. 

my argument isn't about drugs. its about breaking rules, and then complaining about how its unfair that you were caught. 


I actually think this is a somewhat decent discussion... should school laws be open to interpretation? should schools go the length that this school did to catch students? should kids who break rules get less of a harsher punishment because they make better grades, in athletics, or broke the same rule but with a less dangerous offense? In this particular situation do you believe that the ruling was fair?


I did bitch at bo osborne though mainly because he asked for an opinion, pretended to be open minded and understanding of the opposing veiw, and then insulted me for giving my own simply because he didnt agree with it. That irks me. 


And im 20, going on 21. 

I agree completely on the point of your argument. We generally have rules for a reason and there are consequences if you break them - so don't complain. 

This is Arun Gandhi's eighth blunder of the world: rights without responsibilities. Sure you've got rights to not be stopped and searched, but you've also got the responsibility to not be breaking the law by carrying drugs (illegal or not, your school wants you getting them through the nurse). Ignore your responsibilities and your rights get taken away. That's just part of life and being an adult.

i have to agree, if you want to smoke pot do it at home, don't be stupid and bring it to school. when i was in school you couldn't have tylenol or anything like that on you, and if you had a rx for aderal or anything else it had to be in the nurses office, the only kid that was allowed to keep her rx on her at all times was a girl that was a free bleeder. and yes pot is a real drug, and so is aderal, people that need it are not the only ones that use it. the kids at your school where probably selling it.
I agree really.. I brought aspirin to school but I was completely aware of the consequences. I wish they did more mass drug raids when I was in highschool. Any kid stupid enough to use, carry, and/or sell drugs deserves whatever happens..

war on drugs?

Seems pretty dumb to deny kids the opportunity to have an education because they had a bottle of advil or perscription medication.

I bet there are a lot of parents out there that are upset about this.


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