Mohawks Rock

Alright, this doesnt pertain to mohawks at all, but I have a research paper to write for Monday, Its loosely related to a theme of Justice. So like justice in Prisons (or injustice) racial justice/injustice. So does anyone have some suggestions for a topic to write about? most people are writing on justice from the election, or racial justice in prisons, anyone wanna help me start out?

Or just start up a debate on justice if you want, thatd be cool too

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Well since justice is defined as "the concept of moral rightness based on ethics, rationality, law, natural law, fairness and equity. A conception of justice is one of the key features of society" you could do almost anything.

Social Justice:
Social justice from a religion point of view and compare different religions view on social justice?
Social justice in terms of the development of global institutions such as the UN and World Court?
Social justice and there place in United States political parties and system?
Minority rights and evolution of justice over time?
A specific civil right movement and the evolution of justice for that group?

Economic justice
The role of labor unions in providing and maintaining economic justice?
The role of anti-trust cases in providing justice to maintain competition?
Maybe a comparison of different economic structures (capitalism, socialism, communism) and their view on social
Capitalism and its role in exploitation of its workers and lack of economic justice?
Maybe a theoretical discussion on restraint on human tendencies toward greed and monopoly that lead to exclusion
and exploitation of others.

Criminal Justice:
Role of technology in the evolution of the criminal justice system (Genetics, computers, face recognition software)?
Examples of where justice failed, accused an innocent person and its role in the decision making of the justice system
Justice denial for terrorist or suspected people of treason and their effect on the justice of citizens
Cyper crimes and their role in the extradition of criminals and justice jurisdiction

There are many more, and I am sure that I may read too much into the word justice, but let me know what you are looking for, narrow it down and I can helpyou more
You could talk about racial, and class stratification and how they play into the "justice" system... like ponder these ideals... are blacks more prone to being convicted and incarcerated than whites? do people commit more crime based on economic status? and if so do more poor people actually go to prison (and longer) than their white collar counterparts?

these are some ideas to get you started these ideas fall under many of those catagories you mentioned and will therefore give you more to write about, i hate it when teachers make me get way too specific i find myself repeating things over a span of a few pages.
alright, I've narrowed it down and i'm either writing on the Social justice in the US political parties, or the electoral college.

Or I'm writing on the racial in justice in prisons.

not sure, so I'm off to the library for research!
oooh electoral college would be a good one... i would argue that its an example of injustice. it robs people of their individual freedom.
thats what I was thinking, but I ran out of time and panicked so I took the easy way out and am writing on the injustice behind california's proposition 8. Pretty much everyone is writing on that topic.
wow man i'm sorry, wish i could help but i live in Oklahoma lol
what about the health care, the american health care is embarrasing canada(my home) is much better and even we dont have a strong system compared to eurpeoan countries or do i have the topic wrong here and its about a different kind of justice
how people with mohawks are harassed by the pigs more then other people
you could write about discrimination , as in how small lobby groups can have power enough to sway government into passing law's that in themselves force possitive discrimination onto the majority .


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