Mohawks Rock

I was just wondering what is your opinionz on a thick or nappy mohawk...

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hell its your head kid. if you want to leave it nappy headed go ahead. if not just wash it and shit.
lol I have black people hair soo even if I wash it nothing will really change. I have a 4inch nappy but fanned mohawk lol
Get a dreadhawk.
Ewww a dread hawk? lol cut ya hair.Why do white people want mohawks when thats an indian thing?Atleast I have indian in my blood lol.....
Wow.. please refrain from making yourself look more stupid.
Whooaaa buddy.

Not everyone who has a mohawk is white, either. (And I'm not just talking about you)
How many natives do you see nowadays walking around with mohawks?
plus it's been adapted into the whole Punk style, durr.
was tribal ages ago.
but more recently brought back by punk.

doesn't matter about your heritage.
don't be so rude.
It`s the truth white people + mohawk = wunna be Indians lol ..... My mohawk represents my pride and its nappy because other than my indian side I also have heavy african ancestry .. soo stfu and get hair cuts because you guys look dumb using a cultural hairstyle to represent a type of music you like... Your the stupid 1mr.punk lol.. I enjoy punk music but somethings need to be said.
It`s the truth white people + mohawk = wunna be Indians lol ..... My mohawk represents my pride and its nappy because other than my indian side I also have heavy african ancestry .. soo stfu and get hair cuts because you guys look dumb using a cultural hairstyle to represent a type of music you like... Your the stupid 1mr.punk lol.. I enjoy punk music but somethings need to be said.
Shut up man, you look like an idiot in every poat you make.
sheesh.its a style that we took . we like it, we live what. bigdeal. i'm part indian as well but thats not the reason i have a hawk. as far as saying how nappy hawks are what. its their hair. and i'm mixed so i have wavy,thick hair.


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