Mohawks Rock

So I want to know if I could get arrested for wearing jackets, gloves, braclets, etc. that have big spikes in them. Just here in Canada even brass knuckles are illegal so would wearing clothing in public that has big spikes on it be enough to get pulled over by the cops?

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most cops will pull you over anyways, being able to do anything is another story.

now if they see you threatening people with the spikes, yes you can get in shit, however if your simply wearing them i don't think its illegal. the small spikes are fine, its only the larger ones that *could* get you in trouble, that i don't even think would happen. i think it would be more of an aggravating factor, so they wont charge you for it, however if your in court for something like assault,they would point out you could have planed to use the spikes in the original assault.

its really hard to say though, cops can take anything as a weapon, they have the power to, if your walking home with a tire iron they will jump on that, or anything that is blunt. im sure if a cop is pissed off enough, or simply your giving bad attitude they will find something to book you on, maby it will be the spikes, but if it is, then you were most likely gonna get booked for something weather you had the spikes or not.

when i was younger i had these reallllly shard spikes on a leather bracelet, i never got in trouble for them.

best advice, would be wear the spikes proud, just don't get in a pissing contest with a cop.

i woudl also like to point out the reason why brass knuckles are illegal here are cus they are only made for fighting(you can say show also i gusse). but there main duty is to inflict EXTREME pain and and disfigurement, and punches with these can cause death.
Thanks for the reply, very informative. So it sounds like my best bet is to simply go for it and be as respectful as possible if a cop does approach me right? Hopefully not too many will; I have met a few really cool cops before but unfortunately there's also allot of cops that are simply assholes on a power trip.

Could you say though if something like this would be going too far:

Because it is a glove with allot of spikes so it COULD be used to do serious damage but I really want them for fashion. So if I were to wear them where they were clearly visible and was also careful not to use them in any violent manner would I get by?
most cops are dicks lol.
i wouldn't say respectful, but polite haha. i suggest you look up some simple rights you have as a canadian or take a law class if you can in school.

something like that, like i said really depends on the cop, if your by yourself, walking down the street i wouldn't think so, however in a large group of friends, if your a minor, i can defiantly see a cop confiscating it. at any time that it *may* look like you can be using it as a weapon, you gotta remember a cop will see it as a weapon.

i would say go for it, worst comes to worst, there's a small chance it gets taken from you. in that case remember basic details:
1)ask for the cops badge number and name-if he asks why, simply state for your information, any police officer who approaches you has to give you his badge number if asked.

2) ask whats wrong with wearing it(don't be whiny or mad, simply ask what exactly is the reason he/she is taking it)

3) ask under which exact reason you were stooped(something like that isn't very visible if your just walking and there driving)-another thing, NEVER admit to anything, if he stops you and goes "you know why i stooped you?" your giving yourself up if you say something, also answer "no officer, can i ask why?"

4)ask which presinct it will be taken to.

remember if not write all of this stuff down, if you have friends thats even better. the reason why you wanna do this is because n the tinty chance they do take it, you can go to the station and launch a formal complaint against the officer and fight it, if you are arrested at all(i would say 1% chance) you can use the info in court. either way with that info, 9/10 cops wont even bother fighting and just give it back, and tell you "you probably shouldn't wear this any more"

also if a cop does ever stop you, simply state it IS for fashion, and you simply like it, that he may look your name up for any past aggressive behavior.

really in worst case scenior if your a minor it will jsut get confiscated, and more commonly(i would think) the cops just calls your parents and make they know you have them
Thanks once again for the reply. Yes, I am taking a course in law this year as I feel that it is important to know one's rights (far too few people seem to take it seriously.) Personally I hate politics as I feel they are far more complicated than they have to be; I prefer to look at the social aspect to a problem rather than the political one. But even so I admit that it is valuable knowledge to posses as you are using their own tactics against them (unless you happen to be REALLY unlucky and run into some psycho who had a bad day.)
in Australia we have the summary offences act that covers most of the social misdemeanors , here a studded belt for instance is regarded as a weapon if it is removed from your waist , sometimes it's all in the wording and interpretation of that particular cop who want's to bust your nut's , here if you go to a gig and security ask you to remove your studded belt and check it I just remind them that they are actually requesting that I break the law and they usually shut up , find out what offensive artical's law you have in Canada and read up on it , you only have to memorise one piece of legislation where as cop's have to try and remember hundred's , also it's great to have a cop second guessing what he thinks is right :)
There are certain spikes illegal in canada, at least they were, i am not sure about the laws at the moment.
I'm not entirely sure but I'm guessing that it's not illegal to wear it unless you hurt someone, ya know?

They could probably pull you over but it's not like they can say you were attacking someone with your "damn punk rocker jacket!!!" haha.



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