Mohawks Rock

is ther any cures or things that might help me sleep? i have gone for 3 days now without sleep and i do this alot i sleep rarley yet im wide awake my reaction time is down and everything from what other people say but i cant really tell but i would like some sleep:|

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i googled it and there wasnt much help. but you might have some more luck there hun
Go to a psychiatrist.
They tend to be happy to prescribe you with all kinds of drugs for just about any reason.
<.br />
Sir, the first rule about Fight Club is that you do not talk about Fight Club.
Valerian Root is pretty cheap and seems to work pretty well. Guess its been used for thousands of years. Smells kind of bad.
"I suggest you chew valerian root and get some exercise."

*wink wink*
I suffer from it too but there are things you can do , first off you have to define your sleeping place , if like many of us your bedroom is used for more than sleep then you will have problems programming your body to sleep when you are in that room , I now only sleep in my bedroom and there is nothing else in there other than my bed , next you need to learn how to relax and turn your brain off when it comes to sleep time , my biggest problem is I find it hard to stop thinking about things while I'm trying to sleep , if all else fails learn to live on less sleep , I get 4 hours sleep now so it's a start .


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