Mohawks Rock

seriously, watch the whole thing. it's a massive joke.

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of course doll r u gonna have gay men fucking when i get back/
Yes honey.

The bed is okay, correct?

I'll tape it if you're working late. Or you could always shoot up the office...
beds fine tape it after work there is another bbq and i need to find another hooker before my deoxyribonucleicacid dissolves me
geeze...there might be christians who would like to join, ya know? just not the kids who were being quoted in the video clip.
man. I was just hungry. lol.
Let me just say that I'm a Christian and i think this is stupid and it is not my intention to start conflict here over beliefs as i exercise tolerance for all beliefs and hope that others here will do the same for me... i'm not arguing that people didn't say that, because i know first hand that there are closed minded morons on both sides of the issue. I'm not a radical christian fundamentalist i just have my beliefs.

I believe that there is not enough evidence through science alone to prove one way or another in the case of evolution or the big bang. I believe that it takes just as much faith to believe that there is no god as it does to believe in one. Trying to prove that god doesnt exist based solely on a lack of evidence positing for the existence of such an entity is not true science and is not logically sound. It is the same way for evolution. Disproving evolution is not possible if your only argument is that there isnt enough evidence. Neither side is right in this matter. It all comes down to making a decision in what you believe and there is no reason for hostility in regards to differences in these beliefs.

I do not believe in theocracy, and i do not support compulsory secularism. Let people think what they want to and let them be. FYI i do not appreciate being slandered by militant atheists (not assuming you all are) stating that i am superstitious and weak for believing in a higher power. I show tolerance and respect to everyone in the matter of religion. Its not an issue worth such hostility.

It saddens me to think that people who say that they are christians would utter such uneducated and foolish statements. I have heard blatant attacks from both sides most not making any sense because both sides are content in their ignorance. Christians aren't all bad people and neither are atheists. Both groups make considerate contributions to the world in which they live and that is fine by me.

To atheists: Religion is not your enemy. Religion in itself is nothing more than a set of beliefs and beliefs in themselves do not cause wars, only the radicals who abandon all tolerance and reason and use them as an excuse can do that. I can't think of any religion that blatantly tells people to incite hatred and misunderstanding. It is the religious extremists who promote such hostility and blaspheme the very beliefs they claim to stand for that are worthy of any resentment that you may have. The feelings you have for them are the same i have for militant atheists, so it goes both ways.

It was my intention to explain my feelings on this in a non hostile and reasonable manner. I feel that i have done this. I don't want to incite any debate over this because it's such an arbitrary issue. This video more or less confirmed my suspicion that ignorance is strangling modern thought and is the cause of such hate and violence in the world today. I'm going to get off my soap box now lol
you have acheived your goal young grasshopper we respect your point of view though we may not nescessarily agree with it
i don't expect people to agree with my religion of course lol but still i think most people will agree that ignorance and intolerance in the name of any religion or lack thereof is anything but proactive to creating a peaceful world.
we are just making a joke in my opinion most atheists are perfectly content letting christians do whatever they want its only when they act like this or try to force religion upon someone that they begin to get angry if u let them choose most will say to each there own if ya know wat i mean
If you are tolerant of other people and their beliefs, then why are you so offended by this? If you're not an extremist, why not laugh at these people's ignorance like everyone else?

If you didn't write that to cause a debate, why get so vehement about it at all?

Jesus. Take a joke.

(no pun intended, really!)
nah i get the joke of the video and yeah its funny. i'm not starting trouble, seriously i'm not, religious affiliation or the lack thereof doesn't bother me at all it's just stupidity that bothers me.

While it is funny that they took the time to make a hilarious video based on the ignorance of religious extremists, stupidity in general bothers me for some reason especially in correlation to religion or politics (just how i am as a person, not particularly in this situation). What makes it even more upsetting for me is the fact that these people claim to have the same beliefs as me and vicariously makes all of us (christians) seem like stone age neanderthals.

I just wanted to say that not all of us are like that, and even though this was a joke, some of us really do not partake in their ignorance and can be cool, laid back people who don't judge others. That's all I wanted to say, i'm not offended by beliefs but blatant stupidity bothers me. I value knowledge and opinions of logical weight and i do treat them with respect.

The "christians" they obtained the quotes from obviously do not treat knowledge with the same value as i do. You know how when someone says something soooo stupid you can't say much of anything to rebuke them and you just bury your face in your hands out of disgust? Its kind of like that for me lol

Honestly, not trying to start a religious debate, the video was funny but it also kind of bothered me how people can be so stupid. Deoxyribonucleic Acid is DNA shit-for-brains lol!!! that part was hilarious, i mean seriously that's high school biology for crying out loud. I just didn't like the part when "christians" made bullshit accusations about atheists, to me that's just not right.

What these people displayed in their forums was not ignorance but sheer stupidity. (ignorance is blissfully and innocently unaware, stupidity is choosing to be unaware to be content with false pretenses) Anyhow, hope this cleared things up and please don't think there is a subversive message to this because there isn't i'm just speaking my mind. Take care!
I totally agree with you Josh, thanks for sharing. =]
Religion itself does not matter, but how it is practiced. A religion can be jolly well fine, but if most of the people that follow it practice in ways that make them raving loons, then I doubt it matters what the actual religious theory is.

That being said, I have no doubt that we're all a bit loony now and again. It still scares me though when there is evidence of it.


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