Mohawks Rock

I used to put up my hair every day, and now due to working everyday, I put it up on Friday.  I usually have about 20-45 minutes to put up my hair, but everytime I do it, it ends up like this.. How do I get a full fan hawk? or even liberty spikes? I can't seem to grasp the back.

(Btw the suit was a mindfuck the most hilarious results the whole day)

Mohawk stats:  

  • about 4-5 inches long, I haven't measured in a while
  • combing with hairspray in always seems to make it fall
  •  I use got2b hairspray + glue..
  • I've had this one for about 6 months so far
  • its about mid of eyes to mid eyes width.
  • never been colored, hair is quite thin
  • the tips seem to curl to the right.

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terror no worries man yours is much more of an expert way mines pretty rugged but the way i like it and pretty fool proof you know? just thought it was a simple way too help him out. when i have mine up for the long haul (2-3 weeks) i do it completely different. oh and was interested that you use conditioner? i know it helps keep hair in condition especially when coloured but heard it works against strength of hairspray?
and know an old punk guy who used to use straighteners or flat irons on his foot long hawk, he would just fill hairspray when down full of hair spray until soaking and then just wrench it up with straighteners on full heat... not recommended by me completely destroys hair. He had to shave it off after at a gig a spike snapped clean off.....
I can't even comb or brush my hair if I don't condition it, it gets like straw and I end up pulling more hair up than I can afford to lose if I try.

My hair is probably just fucked from bleaching and dying it so much (plus conditioning helps the colour last longer). Underneath all the dye my hair is like white as fuck, that might be why I need to condition mine.

I find that the hairspray holds much better right after I've washed and conditioned it, but that might just be because it's cleaner. I used to not condition before I put it up and found that helped, it might just be that my hair is too dead to not condition it now.
i may try that because it took extremely long. the results.

I didnt get a chance to take direct pictures... but this is how the night went

first: car show.. i don't know why I went..

second: i dont know why i wore sunglasses indoors.
I think that looks better, but it still needs work.

I'd recommend making more spikes, as your hair seems to naturally want to be apart, rather than bunched. I'd say 7-9 spikes would probably work best.

Really you need to practise (like maybe one weekend just spend a couple of hours putting it up and washing it out again until you get it perfect, then try to repeat that in future).
thanks, I wish I had time to do that, hopefully I'll find a weekend where I have nothing to do.

I remember somebody recommending a kind of rubber band to keep hair apart?
I use my GFs bobbles. it's a good way to make sure they're pretty even.
i know terror doesn't but if i was you i would twist the tips the hairspray/ dry which will make it solid and keep it all together, coat with some gel afterwards if necessary.... any rubber bands will do


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