Mohawks Rock

Lets face it at one point or another in all our lives we've all felt suicidal. Well I'm feeling that way now and I was wondering how to deal with it. I wanna die and I'm infatuated with thoughts of my untimely demise. Is that normal for a 21 year old and how do you deal with it. YOu see suicide runs in my family. My uncle committed suicide a few weeks agO and we were super close so it really affected me. Any ideas will help and I'm willing to try anything. Even an extra dose of pot!!!!!!! PLEASE HELP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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 Diet and excercise does wonders. If you eat like shit, and are lazy.. The saying 'garbage in, garbage out' applies nicely for this.

 Although it does in fact help alot with your mood, I don't think feelings like that ever go away easily. I've been dealing with depression/anxiety since I was a little kid and started thinking of ways I would like to die as early as middle school.

 This does seem like a new trend to you, and late in life no less. So i'm not sure about the severity of your issue.


 Just like diet/excercise, it's just a healty alternative to pot/alcohol. What they have in common is they are both a temporary escape. If you think about it, just about anything is a temporary escape.. Just a thought.. 


 I don't recommend medication. or anything that has numbing effects to your senses. It's better to feel everything, and whatever doesnt kill you, builds character.


 good luck.





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