Mohawks Rock

My dad's pretty cool with everything that I do. He would let me get a tattoo as soon as im 16. But for some reason he just won't let me get a piercing. On a ear, eyebrow, lip or nose. He's like its disgusting and im like how??? And he just leaves. I've been talkin with him about this for like the past year but he won't give in. Should i just wait till im 18?

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You could just wait, sounds like your dad won't be argued with.
But you should find out why he thinks they are disgusting.
Capitalize on him leaving

As soon as he leaves, run to the piercing parlor or whatever
Get pierced
then lay low

seriously i don't get it
if people go and get mohawks without asking and nothing bad happens
why not just get pierced

what's he going to do?? abuse and beat you?
child services lol
as my dad used to say when i pulled the child services "you do know...they take you away and not me right?"

lol but what he said.

i dont think your dad is going to rip it out of you...
just do it yourself.
i agree 100% piercings aren't as bad as tatts but they are permanent and can lead to lasing scars or lost of feeling. do it right or don't do it all.
well if your dad will let u get a tattoo he sounds pretty laid back. probly has a reason for no piercings. ide just wait it out and if that dosnt work you can always get one and wait till he notices thats what i did with my gauges... then again he might just rip the piercing out..
Lol He's cool with tattoos but he is against like all piercings even on girls for some reason. I think he thiks that its disgusting.
i had mine done on my upper left ear lobe , but it was jaunty and sank into my ear , i had to cut it out of my ear .
seeing as you have been waiting a year for it,
you may aswell do it, Otherwise your just gonna regret it,
10 years later, "I wish i had got pierced"
The simple fact is, Do it, if you dont like it take it out,
Its not like a tattoo, you can take it out. it just so happens that your dad doesn't like pericings :\
Sounds like your going behind his back, but if you want it done that bad
Fuck it, Do it, He will come round lol :)
what i did to get my parents to let me get my ears pierced at 7 was to write a paper including the good and bad points, care and history of. it's hard to say "no" to someone who is so serious to take the effort to do the research and compile it into their own words. if that doesn't work- wait until you're 18. even if it's a small piercing you could end up scared for life so don't do it yourself or go cheap underground.
Ha! My mom made me write a research paper to get my eyebrow rings. She didn't think I'd do it.
You wait until you're 18. And don't be one of those douchers that pierces themself because their parents won't let them get it done.. Also.. if you find a piercer that WILL do it without parental consent.. it's likely that they're a skeeze ball and hard up on cash. If you're really ready to have the scar that it leaves behind (and it will), then you should be willing to wait until you're 18. And no.. I'm not being a jerk because I don't like piercings.. I have seven facial piercings myself and love them... But just like a tattoo, a piercing is a life choice that WILL stick with you.. just because you can remove the jewelery does not mean you can get rid of the fact that you had a piercing. Think on it a bit.


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