I listen to hippy music and punk music...now how about that ^^
but I listen to metal and as wiki describes it 'experimental electronic' too.
Im my personal experience there are two types of hippies, the ones who wear a lot of tye-dye and do a shit-ton of drugs, and in general seem to be a waste. Then theres the ones who may or may not do drugs, but it's not the main focus of their existence. They go out and try to save the forests and animals, etc. Like the cascadia rising people, they're pretty awesome and I admire their conviction, determination, and bravery.
Overall point being, hippies are fine. They don't hurt anyone. And so what if crusties are "hippies with hawks"? Excuse me for giving a damn about environmental issues. Nothin' wrong with enjoying the natural human scent ;)
1 i dislike hippys like most ppl dislike emos they tend to be posers who will end up in a suit n tie n reformin to what sociaty sees as aceptible.
but i hav got friends who are hippys as i do emos i mean i will spend practicaly 99% of my time ripping the shite out of them but when i meet sum1 i dont treat any1 differently ill only treat em different if they give me a reason to eg takin a toke on a spliff and not takin it in when ive been generouse to give them spliff maybe they shud man up n mention they dont no how 2 smoke it n ill show them cuz we were all begginers once
and skinheads are in no way racist the first skins were black men of blue beat and ska they listen to oridgonaly black music wear two tone suits and come from poor disadvantaged background like many of the black community at the time if sum1 has even the slightest bit of racism in them they are not a skinhead n never will be there a poser nazi scum who id like to grind into the pavement :)
hav a good day evry1 xxx
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