Mohawks Rock

are idiots, give me a valid reason to hate hippies and i will withdraw this last statement and apoligise.

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i just dont like when a hippy tells you that your opinions and ideals are wrong. Some do that, some that i know, and its all a matter of opinion. but all in all, they are cool people and some hippy music is amazing, like Pink Floyd for instance...or Jimi Hendrix.
I love Pink Floyd lol music to smoke pot by!!! don't like their bigotry either, people have their own beliefs, but unfortunately humans are egotistical creatures that constantly apply their own personal standards to others. Its how we exert authority. in some instances thats ok like in the case of murder or what not but when it comes to political/religious agenda who cares? i say let people think for themselves and don't get militant because it solves nothing.
My mom was a hippy, and I got some of those hippy jeans, I dont smoke pot, or do any drug at that, but I am a very peacful person, always want to talk things out instead of prove my manlyness. A war is a no no, but I think everyone would be a little happier without war. I dont hate hippies, I dont see any reason to hate them, but I do strongly dislike judgmental people. So people that hate hippies becuase of their views and lifestyles just remember people hate punks for their views and lifestyles. I know my dad does. Ha
yeah, i've seen the 'intolerance' of tolerance too... boo :(
The difference between having a view on a specific view instead of against a generalised group. It's much easier and more logicial to be against a particular view than to claim something against a whole group of wildly different ppl.

Like, someone could say, 'I think people who want to fight strangers are idiots', for example. That is logical and reasonable, but for someone to say, 'I hate all (insert group here)' is unreasonable, because there will be all sorts of ppl with different opposing views in said group. Unless the group is following strict rules set out like in religion - but even there folk differ wildly and you can't really be against some of them in reality 'cause you'll find they contradict their own group at times.

You can't easily find a group where everyone is the same in it. Just like here, with 'punks', it's impossible to define all of us as the same, 'cause we all have our own divergent views on it.

It's more sensible to be against a particular view than a group, IMHO. =)
damn straight. =]
wwhy are you hatin on hippy haters
isnt that like almost a double negative or something
I hate em. I can't give a "valid" reason to the OP that'll convince them of my beliefs though. I just generally hate all the tree hugging, lets all be happy together, sit in a circle and sing songs type behavior. I don't really like punks either, but that's just a neutral dis-like and not an outright hate like it is with the hippies.
"valid" as in, valid to me, but pretty aware of the fact that I won't be changing anyone's mind. In order for a point to be valid, someone would have to admit they themselves are wrong, and that I was right. Its of course, already valid to me. And since we're all sporting 'hawks here, I know that the majority is very independent, rebellious, and generally thinks they are right. So I freely admitted at the beginning of the post, that my points and beliefs would probably not be "valid" to the OP or most people reading them.

Yes, environmentalism is a bad thing. Its a form of control over people. Control is bad. And its not just limited to "evil corporations and businesses" I can't even walk outside and take a piss out my back door without it being an "environmental" issue. I can't ride or race my bikes without it being an "environmental problem". I can't use aerosol's without it being an "environmental problem". I can't drive a large vehicle without it being an "environmental problem". I can't leave a bathroom light on without it being an "environmental problem". I cant do any of that stuff without being guilt tripped into feeling bad about it. The hell with that.

When I want something, I demand results. Results require action. Sitting in a circle and singing songs does not bring results to anything I desire. As much as I hate hippies, at least the absolute radicals are doing something about what they believe.

P.S. I am a bit of an asshole. The jury is still out on the stupid part.
Its about the fact that when I do the things I mentioned, that hippies and environmentalists don't like it, and then try and guilt me into feeling bad about it. That's my problem with them. I AM being forced into being an environmentalist thanks to the laws now a days, that's my entire point. Their ideology is infringing on mine, and they are trying to control what I do and don't do by A: Legislation and B: Social conditioning. Laws that say my bikes have to meet X requirements where it runs like a total piece of dung and there are volcanoes and city buses running around that even by their own standards emit infinitely more than a motorcycle could ever hope to. Or even worse, making requirements that manufacturers cannot even meet with existing models. So now I'm required to buy a bike (replace bike with car, truck, home appliance, light bulb, computer equipment, about any consumer item) that costs an extra $1500-2k because the company had to completely re-tool and start from scratch. Then they'll guilt you into doing things the way they want you to. Convince your friends, and then you'll go a long because you don't want to be against the grain. Its all about control and social programming.

Our manufacturing capabilities are being absolutely crippled because we are forced to use inferior processes and materials in order to be "environmentally friendly". Lot of good that does me when a bridge truss collapses because the steel foundry was legislatively required to use low quality products. Or when a car part has a catastrophic failure and I die in a fiery crash because the altered environmentally friendly construction process is not as mechanically and technically sound as the old "polluted" method.

You'd rather be cool with your friends about the "green trees and blue skies". I'd rather have stuff that works without any BS. But hey, I'm a libertarian.
I'm explaining why I don't like them. Your getting way to caught up in this debate and your throwing insults at me now simply because I do not agree with you.

My ideology is a persons self interests and beliefs are paramount. I DO NOT CARE if hippies want to sing songs in a circle around a fire and cry about the forest that has been logged. But I DO CARE when they start interfering with my life, the things I like, and forcing me to use inferior products and processes in everyday settings. I'm not out to take the pot away from them, or ban them from singing kum-by-ya.

I've given you several practical examples of the negative effects that environmental activist legislation has pushed onto people. They are higher consumer costs (In an already absolutely shit-faced economy), lower quality manufacturing processes and products (CHINA is excluded from Kyoto treaty), so they get to make superior products while the US and all other industrialized countries have to make crap because they are by law not able to use the same processes. And then there is dictation. Some states like California are even talking about limiting power usage per households over a period of time. You'll only be able to set your air conditioner to certain temperatures, run water x amount of time per day, etc. Granted, its a long ways off still, but it is coming.

And I do want to say, don't get me wrong. I do not advocate pouring nuclear waste, harmful chemicals, toxic substances, etc. just out and about in anywhere they fall. Aquifer contamination is a big issue in many places. THAT to me is true environmental issues and problems. Not monitoring what I use and do, and telling me how I have to make and build things because they think they know better about it than I do.


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