Mohawks Rock

I know you guys are like "oh this guys a poser look at him asking what punk is" Yea I have an idea of what it is but I'm new so just help me out. My question is what makes a poser? I glare at people from time to time but I just like to. I'm an asshole but i've always been like that. I just recently had to cut off the hawk because of school. I don't think I'm a poser but people always try to say I am or I try to hard because I'll throw an Anarchy A on my school bag or something. So tell me what makes a poser?

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ive always though this was stupid.. if your fighting hard to dress in the typical punk stereotype then running around declaring yourself one thats one thing but everyone has the right to wear what makes them happy, that has nothing to do with being a 'poser'..

Yea, what he said.


Honestly, my idea of punk has changed quite a bit, it used to be an entirely political thing, then it kinda slipped into the IDGAF attitude, and then it just kinda became, fuck this, this is all stupid. And then that changed into I don't need anyone to tell me I'm punk. I listen to the music, go to the shows, like some of the ideals, but I dont feel a need to call myself a punk because I dont really care. And to be perfectly honest, I think that makes me a lot more punk then a lot of the people who run around with the anarchy symbol on everything they own and who run around calling people posers and getting wrecked everynight. 


Do or feel whatever's right. You shouldn't have to care. 


well you sound pretty darn punk to me i dont see what the problem is
can't touch this one here...Skunk articulated my feelings on this perfectly.
i agree with skunk
but if it's a certain style you're looking for you could just surf through this site for inspiration(haha). you don't necessarily have to tear up all your clothes, but buy them at second-hand stores or something. 'for the authentic punk smell'(never wash them).

i think what makes a poser is someone who says they like bands they've never even heard, or say they're anarchists/communists/whatever without even knowing what it means. thats it.
you're not a poser for asking about this. Jusdt be sure you always know what you're talking about, or else just shut up about it. i don't mind anyone who likes blink 182 and thinks they're punk as long as he/she knows how to argument it.

hm, haven't heard those. i'll check them out!
haha, i don't expect that either^^ no worries. i'm ..fairly open-minded when it coems to music.
Thanks guys. Helped me out alot. Realized I wasn't even close to a poser lol
yeah you are. you suck
scrawny-no shit
expensive jacket- it was free
mohawk-check the website name
asshole- you betcha
pinnacle of originality and punk- i practically invented it
I enjoy eating fast food. Does that make me un punk because I spend my hard earned salary on a major coporation? I think it does =D


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