Mohawks Rock

we all know that OUR mohawks are a way of life,,but you see these fake people that only have one because they fall into the fad , dont get one if you dont mean it

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Man we have enough threads about this....if it is truly a fad for them, they will move on to the next thing soon enough.
i wish they hurry up,,lol
First off you took it way out of context ,second did you have a mohawk 15years ago and lived in the inner city where everyone and I mean everyone disapproved?? have you ever got into a fight over your hair??no,because I can bet if that you were me you would have been cut it off SO me personally can say that ,you sound like a angry teen or somthing
i'm 3/8 pawnee and the rest of me is highland scot barbarian; the mohawk is a huge badge of honor for me; sounds like you know very little of honor you wannabe
''die in a fire'' DUDE GROW UP you can disaree without being a little disrespectful prick and you sound like a bunch of these judgmental assholes,,instead of asking me why do i feel like that you automatically start blabbing some young teenie booper shit ,,taking things to far and way out of context,,
Okay, it's just hair.

A beret is just a hat;
A ring is just jewellery;
A kilt is just a skirt;
A team shirt is just a shirt;
A dagger is just a knife;
And 46 is just a number on a helmet.

This is alright for you, but not for everybody. What's nothing to you is of tremendous importance to someone else. To this young Barbarian, my mohawk is my warrior stripe. I wear it with pride into every fight. You disagree, and that's your right. When you start telling people to go and die just because they like their hair a certain way however, that's the point where you're a dickhead.

Like you said: IT'S FUCKING HAIR!
but we all know now thats not quite what I it was said in previous post the title was a little misleading the issue is closed,,,enough people,,this shit is getting ridiculous
Oh yeah, because it's not like any REAL punks wear a mohawk for aesthetic purposes, right? I mean, for posers a mohawk is like, just hair; but OUR mohawks are made of like, fucking spirit energy or some shit. That's why every year we go to a big fucking gathering and squat in the middle of a circle of ego stroking assholes unto whome we proceed to validate our punkness through various hardcore acts and statements untill they all ejaculate onto our hair as a sign of approval. This grants us OVER 9000 PUNK RAWX POINTS that we can use to defeat the dreaded GIANT DILDO OF DEATH!

'nuff said.
uhhh that went over my head,lol,let me put ina better perspective,,what i mean is 15 years ago when i was 17 i had a mohawk everybody and their mother messed with me for being eccentric,i had piercings chains always listen to rock you name it,and on top of that i lived in NWK.even though it was tough i stayed as i am today,NOW all of a sudden when i go back to visit friends all those same people who fucked with me everyday ,look like clones of me all the so called gansters,,went punk??get your fake ass out my face,those are the people im talking about
first off im 32 I was around when the punks started it in the 70's so i know the history,second like I said im talking about certain groups of people around the world that called them ugly and said they wouldnt be caught dead with one,,now they see it in video's celebrities, and now they riding our dicks asking us who cut our hair,,dont take offense my man im not trying to make enemies
Honestly, you sound like a nazi. You're obviously nationalist about "punk" hair and fashion and you feel entitled to decide who should and shouldn't be allowed to embody it. The nazis did the exact same thing except over land rather than over fashion or a hairstyle. No one has the right to tell another what they can and cannot do. And F.Y.I. punks sure as hell were not the first ones to rock a mohawk. If you have to be punk to have a mohawk because that is the history associated with it then I guess you also have to worship the sun and sacrifice virgin couples to the harvest god and all that just like the ancient tribal groups that sported mohawks did, right? Thankfully, most of the people on this site are too smart to be elitist over a haircut.


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