Mohawks Rock

Unfortunatly I can't because I'm looking for a job and therefore must quit smoking so that I may pass a possible piss test. There is nothing too do, nowhere too go and nobody too talk too. I'm fucking bored out of my mind wishing that some place I've applied too would PICK UP THE PHONE AND FUCKING CALL ME!!! I've applied everywhere and not ONE phone call!!! It isn't really bugging me right now that I can't smoke it is the fact that there is ABSOLUTELY nothing too do. Thats why I need a fucking job. Simply because it would surely GIVE me something too do and I'd feel fucking useful for once MAYBE. But because of this recession/depression/whatever the fuck you wanna call it nobody is hiring. God damn it.

Fuck it. Lets get high.
(Sorry for the pointless bitching I'm just losing my fucking mind. Have a nice day^_^)

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Getting high is really not going to solve your problems, go do something constructive.
Sometimes you need to just vent things out - understandable. I got my last job through a friend from uni - it's usually a good way to get past the usual application ignoring, if you can ask your friends if they're work has any jobs coming up.
I applied at this one place called Express the other day. They found my mom a job and I'm hoping that they find me a job. If they don't call in a few more days I'm gonna hit them back up until they find me something too do.

I'm not worried about the drug test I really think that I would pass it. I don't smoke enough for the THC too be in my system for 30 days and I also have a wicked fast metabolism. If it helps any I've also been drinking mad amounts of water.

Fuck, I may not even HAVE too take a piss test. The guy said that they only test you if its needed for a particular job but I guess that its best too stay clean just incase.
very FEW jobs require a drug test, especially if your looking for any job that willl take you.
main jobs that look for drugs tests are usually professions(such as police, army,firefighter) anything that requires you to be in top physical shape, not saying you aren't simply saying most jobs aren't going to drug test a teenager :P.

keep applying places, keep handing in resumes, and its good you went to that company for help, you've obviously taken the initiative which is the number one thing to getting a job "actually getting out there and looking for a fucking job"

but if i were ou, i would try and stay clear of weed, just for a little bit, it will be good for you anyways, the next time you smoke it will be a hell of a high haha

and all i can think of when i read the title was "life's a bitch. then you die. so fuck the world, lets get high!"


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