Mohawks Rock

So I was wondering when putting up your mohawk for a formal occasion (dinner party, banquets, weddings) which would you consider more formal, Fanning or Spiking?

I personally feel fanning is more appropriate for formal occasions. Well unless its so long that it would look better spiked than fanned.

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i believe its best to have it down for a formal occasion. like, combed over. even though i hate that....
That is a good look. My thing is, why can't a fanned hawk be formal? Some people don't do anything special for their hair when going to formal events, so my thinking is why not fan it.
That is a good point. Especially at a wedding. My best friend's wedding I made sure to ask if she would want me to wear it down. She didn't care.
The last two weddings I was at I was specifically asked to wear my fan up! People seem to love it. :D
Yeah people now question me why it's not up.


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