Mohawks Rock

So i have a concert tomorrow for band and I am being forced to wear it down. What is the best way to get a good looking style out of flat mohawks.

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Wear a hat. =] Thats what I do.
If you can't wear a hat..err suck it up. =D Besides you shouldn't put your hair up EVERY SINGLE DAY, its bad for it. I leave mine down 1-3 days a week just to keep the health (usually when I don't go anywhere)
Well I can't wear a hat or anything. We have to like, wear these tuxes and stuff, kind of gay but whatever. but thanks guys, guess i'll just have to suck it up.
Awh that sucks. Well good luck. Hopefully you'll find your little down-hair-days niche.
comb it nicely

depending on length, you could let it lay as it is, but if it's long, you could comb it over to one side or something.
Well, what I sometimes do if I have to look classy, I put some gel in it, and pull it straight back. Just be careful of the back, if its thick-ish, and curly like mine, it tends to look like a discolored mullet >.> but gel will fix that.
i used to love the dread hawk look(the hair running down the middle of your nose) that's what i did whenever had mine and had to wear it down or judo and such.
I think that's more of a devil lock. Mine's starting to get long enough to be able to pull it of if I ever wanted to.
there are tons of threads for this, just search the forums.
Not sure how long your's is, but if its long enough and you have to do a ponytail, like I do, then pull at a slight angle to one side or the other instead of straight black. That was the best a hair stylist in NYC could figure for me to do at this black tie wedding at Oheka Castle, where I was absolutely forbid from hawking it up.
Unfortunately if you have a middle sized hawk (mines at 5.5" right now) and comb it to one side, people could confuse you for Hitler. No lie, people have literally done double takes and said, "I coulda sworn you were Hitler" (which is dumb cause A.He's dead B.Everyone I know, knows I have an anti-swastika on my backpack ((huge you cant miss it)) and C.Thats just ludicrous to say!) Anyways when it was shorter I wore it down the middle, kinda like a devillock, now it gets in my eyes cause its not long enough to drop past my nose yet :(
slick it back with some gel
well, it worked out i guess. I just combed it forward then i used a little bit of hairspray to keep it from going places in the wind. Worked out kind of.

Tell you what though, went home before the after party and gelled it straight up in a fan, no more jew hawk.


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