Mohawks Rock

im turning 18 in exactly 17 days and i want to get a tat, must likey on my rip, when im 20 or 21 im getting one on my back of a crow because crow are good luck for me.yeahyeah i know its stupid but i meaniful
but for my rip on the other hand i was going to get some lyrics such as" If We Dont Make It Alive, Well Its A Hell of A Good Day To Die." it pretty the way i hope the live, goodtimes without regret.

so if you think of a good idea, or think im a dumbass tell me!
i like input.

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What the hell part of your body is the rip?
Oh wouldn't you like to know ;D
I do wanna know
Take a wild guess. I double dog dare you.
the webbing between the thumb and index finger?
I have no fucking clue, but just cause I'm going to say its the underside of your knee.
My guess what that she made a typo and that it was supposed to be rib...
I just got the one tattoo, got it when I was 18:

thats fucking cool
That was in response to my mum asking me why "my kind" are always so stealthy and secretive. Last year a friend of mine got a similar tat on his forearm.
This is what I am thinking of for my first tattoo: Steinbeck's pigasus.

But with "Ad astra per alia porci" circling it rather than just hanging about above it...I'm thinking on my right shoulder.
Even my mom, who claims to be anti-tattoo despite already having one and openly planning to get more (she wants the Morton salt girl) supports it...she is a John Steinbeck fangirl.
I'm planning to think about it for a solid year before going through with it. I guess I'm weird about permanent things like that.


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