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What's your favourite movie? And if it's too hard to decide, then list your top 5 (or 10) favourite movies. My top five at the moment are Psycho (1960), Invasion of the body snatchers, This is england, The crow, and The birds

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Ah, yeah!  I remember that one!  It was good, I'm a bit of a fan of 50's B movies. :D  Ah, that reminds me, the original 50s film: "The Day The Earth Stood Still", is another of my fav's.  I'm a sucker for giant scary robots. ^_^

Oooh!  And also: "Forbidden Planet" is definitely worth checking out, both cheesy and yet oh, so good IMHO.  I could go on about it, but I won't spoil it, if you've not seen it yet?

I will definately check those out; they sound great =)

The reason I found Invasion of the body snatchers so good was because of the suspence in the film- all through the film, I was thinking "Holy shit- this is a great movie". It is, to this day, the only film that I feel I am there, with the characters, going through the movie with them, as I watch it :)

See when the alien jumps out the persons body is it not just someones hand with a rubber glove on?
The earliest version that is

I have no idea- I've never seen that movie :P

What, alien not sure either i havenrt seen it my physics teacher said some thing and i was confused :3

It's a little better than a rubber glove. XD  But yeah, now compared to modern effects, that particular bit seems stiff & poor (though the beating pulse in it was neat for the time and the way it uncoiled) - though still, effective with the build-up and suspense.  Just now we've been spoilt with more graphic effects in nearly every film.


I guess it was different at the time when I first saw it, no one knew what to expect - no "Aliens" culture and merchandise like now where even folk who haven't seen it have learnt what that "Alien" looks like.  It was unique.  Sadly, can't experience that feeling now from watching it.

 In no order. Remembering as I go..

 'Far out man' -a old wacky movie with Tommy Chong

'Death at a funeral' -The frank oz BBC version. Frank Oz's contribution to anything is usually pretty amusing.

 'Big Lebowski'

 'O' Brother Where Art Thou?'

 'this is spinal tap'

 'a mighty wind' -basically a folk/hippie version of 'spinal tap' the same people are in it, same director.

 'The Terminator' - The only one in the whole franchise worth watching.

 'Alien'  -I enjoyed actually every part of the franchise.

 'Underworld' -The first one was great. The rest of the francise although enjoyable, is predictable on the most part. Same goes with the Alien series... Maybe it has to do with the fact I like to see Kate Beckinsale and Sigourney Weaver stompin around for an hour -shrug-

 'Girl with dragon tattoo' -The swedish mini series that is. 'merican version pretty much sucks.


 Dunno, I like a whole bunch of movies. I can't really condense it in just a list of ten..

Thanks for replying- I havn't seen any of those films exept for Terminator, though, but I'll be sure to check out the movies you listed

I have a huge tie for #1 lol

Gattaca, 1984, Equilibrium, A Clockwork Orange, Bronson, V For Vendetta, Fahrenheit 451


Hmmm .... out of the films you have listed, I've only seen V for Vendetta. I want to see 1984 one of these days (as I have read the book) , and I'd love to see A clockwork orange, because I've heard it's brilliant :)

A Clockwork Orange was surprisingly deep and I thought it was a very good, moral film - much more than just violence.  Fortunately, it's no longer banned - so you'll get a chance to see it too! =)


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