Mohawks Rock

Hey all, I was wondering, I always aimed for longlasting hairdye, but since I've finally gotten my hair back to normal blonde I was curious to hear if you know any dyes that fade completely out of your hair - your blonde or bleached hair.

I've tried special effects nuclear red which faded completely out of my hair, or close to, turned it blonde with a slight orange tint, nothing too serious. I've had bad experience with getting pink out of my hair, so that's a no-go. I was thinking blue, purple and red dyes, any good suggestions? The important thing is that is leaves your hair completely when it fades! Or close to atleast :) it doesn't matter if it takes 3 months, as long as it eventually gets out, but the quicker the better

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i know that directions green hair dye leaves completly..
directions blue has faded to a really faint greeny colour..but im hoping thatll leave soon.
ive only ever used directions hair dye.. so i might not be the greatest of help
No that's great help, I forgot to add I'm a cheap ass right now so I got some directions colors too :) You think it's all of their ´greens? I would just hate being stuck with a snotty vomit green in my hair :/ directions flamingo pink is still stuck in my hair and I dyed it 6 months ago ._.;
wow.. thats a long time for semi permanent hair dye to stay in.....
i used apple green.. 2ish months ago
it was gone within about 6weeks.
I find that manic panic color doesn't last too long for me.
Ive done atomic turquoise (epic fail. its turned ugly after 1 wash.), ultra violet( lasted about 2 weeks and faded nicely), and after midnight blue my personal favorite. It faded reallllyyy well. It went from a darkkk blue to a turquoise/teal, then to a bit green. It stayd in for about a month maybe less.

And all of that is with washing every other day.

Its also pretty cheap, Ive never seen a bottle more than $8
i would say manic panic might be your best bet if you use the neon colors.. (cotton candy pink and electric lizard in my expierence) manic panic fades super fast if it even takes at all in those colors. the darker the color the longer it usually lasts as well (dark blue, dark green, dark purple, etc)
My mother and I have been using Directions only for a couple of years now.
If you really want to go for a Directions one, I wouldn't suggest using their red dyes. Their red dye never seems to fade 100% fully, it never did for me, neither did it for my mother. Blue or purple ones though, actually fade.
My red hair dye faded to a real bright pink after a few months, but never got it out fully. If I remember right, I used poppy red back then, my mother used Cerise (Cerise is more pinkish though anyway).
I used Directions Violet actually, just a few months ago. The color was awesome, I really loved it, but it faded too fast. It didn't last longer than a week for me. That tone was my favorite one ever, but too bad it doesn't really last long.
I'm going to try a Directions Blue soon. But from what I heard they fade fast too.
You might also want to check out this site it has Reviews for every Directions Dye and even pictures. They also have reviews and pictures for Manic Panic and Special Effects. Hope it helps you.
from my experiences manic panic will almost within the first two washes lose its vibrant color, you hair cannot hold the color too well because of ph levels, i don't know the details of how and why, givin im not a hair dresser, but one of my best friends went to school to be a hair dresser and she told me this.....after dying with manic panic and rinsing as instructed.. dose your hair with vinegar, then rinse, shit stinks and don't get it in your eyes!!, but it will keep the color more vibrant for longer because it jumps the ph level in your hair up or somethin like that, like i said i don't know the chemistry but it works :P


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