Mohawks Rock

I was watching the news today and noticed that they were calling Travis Barker a punk. I could of barfed. I never thought that society would sink THAT low.
Oh well, just annoying reall.

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who are you to define whos punk and whos not...?
Oh noes! The news doesn't know anythings about teh punx!

Wait, does the mass media know anything about anything?
Obama is a secret radical Muslim who wants national-socialism!

hahaha, seriously tho.
Ummm are you saying that he is not? Or are you saying that the news was refering to him as a "punk" as in an insult?
both, he so obviously isnt, and it is
I dunno, the media thinks anybody with tattoos and a mohawk is punk. I dont really give a shit tho, I think this topic is balls.
But what makes someone punk? Is there certain qualifications?
well, they need to be white, atheists and they need to color their hair and have at least one tattoo of a swatstika on their body and live in a gutter. if you put down your 40oz, you're no longer punk. when you beat up yuppies, you turn into a super saiyan punk and you can shoot dirty heroin needles out of your eyes.
First of all, NEVER underestimate how low society can sink. Second, I read the newspaper article and it was clear that the reporter probably hadn't even heard of blink-182, much less any idea what kind of music they actually play. ELCuelloRojo is exactly right when he wrote to outsiders it seems a safe bet that a heavily tattooed, mohawked young man is a punk rocker. And as if that wasn't bad enough, they say 'punk rocker' as though it's a bad thing. What's more, most news is at least partially tainted in attempts to make it into entertainment, a direct result of companies advertising during news programs.
I don't know i would say he is... he's a damn good drummer i know that for sure! Outside of the pop punk band Blink 182 he's played stuff with Tim Armstrong (The Transplants) and even played a short stint with the ska band The Aquabats under a pseudonym, so yeah i would say that if you had to classify him as a musician he was a bit of a punk rocke, although he spotlighted in many other genresr.

Now the media saying it like it was a bad thing... the media is obsessed with negative things... bad news gets them ratings, but yet people complain that the world is a shitty place, it can be but it isnt always that way. the only thing people want to do is watch television and turn into drugged up hypochondriacs by learning all about the new cancers and newly diagnosed mental diseases that threaten our society, how does this tie into punk?

Punk when it first cam into the media it wasn't praised for its message or anything of that sort, no the only reason it was in the media was because Johnny Rotten was spitting on the audience and punk bands were causing riots and corrupting the youth of America, needless to say people were glued to their sets.

Something bad happened to Travis and the media made money off of it, they talked about the crash and how horrible it was and how only 2 survived, but do they give a shit about how he's doing now? probably not... Seriously i saw tabloid mags about it, and somehow they turned a truly unfortunate incident into a 3 ring circus, and somehow ex girlfriends were drawn into the mix...

Punk or not punk? does it really matter? i think not he's a human being and people should respect that and not be so hung up on classifications. as for society sinking to an all new low? all you need to do is look around you, this isnt getting any better anytime soon. it takes more than our votes to make any real change in this country let alone this world. As long as we let them, the media, fueled by coporate networks and the ratings based off new perils and fears of their own construction, will continue to pacify the people of this nation making us all the more suceptible to the injustices that occur right on our doorstep. we've become so complacent, so distracted by the things we hear that we dont bother to look for ourselves.

Forgive the long speech, but bottom line we are all human beings and the lack of dignity and respect we have for eachother is disturbing. (BTW read HerBDerb's discussion about American Consumerism and you'll know a bit more about where i'm coming from)
right on


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