I didn't know where to put this. But I'm sooooooooooooooooo excited and have noone else to tell right now, because I'm afraid to tell my rents yet (I will within the next week or so though, I just goota work up the courage) and all my friends are busy.
My boyfriend and I are gunna get married! =] lol. I'm so excited. It happened last night, we were talking, and just kinda slipped that we wanted to get married, and just mutually decided that it's gunna happen no matter what =]. And he bought me a pretty ring today & it's like perfect. lol. And I am soo excited. It's gunna be probably a year or more before it truely happens cuz we need our own place (whether it be an apartment, or get a trailer of our own - haha lame I know, but we don't want much, ya know?) and to save up some money to do it first and stuff. But I am like the happiest girl on earth right now haha.
Anyways.. You guys should give me some advice and stuff on marriage and making it work from your personal experience. And also, gush about things that have made you this happy because I wanna hear happy things. lol.