Mohawks Rock

Anyone with black hair have some info on how to dye it? 
I've had trouble in the past using bleach wrong and ended up burning my scalp so any tips would be appreciated.

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Use quick blue powdered bleach, it's cheap and you won't have to leave it on so long which should help keep it a bit healthier.
saturday i bleached....with mixed results. my natural color is a dark brown with a lot of auburn to it. i died all of my hair a store bought light black six weeks ago. had hawk shaved in saturday morning then went to sally's beauty supply for a bleach kit and color...unfortunately they only had the shades i wanted from manic panic. =( (i hate that stuff. it never really works but i haven't been able to find anything but pink by anyone else locally.) the bleach kit i got had 40 devloper stuff. i'm not certain but i think the bigger number on the stuff the stronger. every time i've bleached i have had to make the compromise that my hair will be fried and weird because that is what chemicals do. from past experiences i accepted this time around that i would be lucky if i got my hair to a funky orange or be in danger of giving my self a chemical hair cut if i over did it. since i wasn't doing a full head of hair but just the hawk and the front parts would not be bleached, and i am too cheap to buy hair foils, i use kitchen plastic wrap to keep the parts that are bleach coated away from what little hair i have left (and my furniture and cats). mix the powder and bleach (you can buy a kit or just buy the powder and developer in big quanities....this works well if you have a hair buddy who is bleaching at the same boyfriend did the work for me. if he had not done the application the bleach would have been everywhere it shouldn't have been and i'd probably missed a big spot in the back or something). use a plastic bowl. i have an old ceral bowl from my dorm for mixing bleach. over time i've bought several color brushes. i like these better than the crappy small ones they include in the 'kits'. paint a section with the bleach, wrap in plastic. repeat. we did about a half inch section at a time. the newest growth hair (closest to my scalp) always bleachs more easily than the ends of my hair. i don't paint the hair from my scalp to at least a fourth of an inch, but half really would have been a better idea. left it on for a little over an hour and of course it was a nasty orange after i washed it all out. so we reapplied, painting and wrapping bit by bit. another hour. during each hour i ran a hair dryer back in fourth over my plastic hawk. in addition to the heat helping to "activate" the bleach, it kept the retarded cat from swipping at my plastic spikes as he did whenever i took a smoke break from the hair dryer in one hand, book in the other....after two hours of beaching i decided i would have to live with whatever i had. as it turned out i still had some brassy orangey ness to it and it wasn't uniform. but i decided it was light enough to take the crazy color and i liked the idea of it being an uneven bleach job. if you want to go white or even play boy model extreme blonde, go to a professional at a salon. if you just want to bleach to get color in and don't want to spend the $ and can live with imperfection then by all means d.i.y.

now as far as color goes......oh hell. it doesn't matter what you do, manic panic sucks. i've done the leave it on over night thing, but it still bled for weeks all over my stuff. since i wear a wig to work over my real hair i can't have this bleeding mess. i left the color on for 45 mins. after three days the turquoise looks awful. the purple is still ok. if i'd been more paitent i could have not done the color immedately after the bleach, waited a week or so and rebleached and probably gotten it lighter. but i have no paitence. so i am going to redo the color (which we also did with the plastic wrapping as i also didn't want that every where....i bought a box of vinyl gloves a while back, mostly for cleaning but good for dye days too). bottom line: bleaching takes forever, is moderately sucessful, and if you are using manic panic it doesn't seem to matter anyway because that stuff fades fast.
The higher volume developer is stronger but it does more damage so be careful when using it. Instead of plastic wrap you can use regular kitchen foil, it's easier to manipulate. And try brushing the bleach on your roots last because they do dye faster since the bleach can coat the area easier. I also recommend getting extra bleach to make sure each section is extremely well covered! If you using powdered bleach you shouldnt be able to see much hair through the bleach. This should help get it more blond faster so you don't have to re-bleach so much.
Go to a beauty supply store and get hot oil treatments, deep conditioner, quick blue powdered bleach and 30volume developer. Apply with a dye brush so that it covers your hair but doesn't sit on your scalp. After about 20 mins check color often until it's light enough to use whatever color you have in mind.. Use the hot oil and deep condition at least once a week to help repair your hair from the damage.

The whole package should cost you under 15 bucks
hells yes...i totally forgot to mention the after care! i went with the kit this time instead of the powder envelope/bottle of developer because they only sizes my local sally had were waaaaaay more than i needed so it was actually cheaper to buy one of the kits. it had a "toner" in it, which i thought was pointless.
I go to a hole in the wall beauty supply store. The powdered bleach is about 2 bucks a piece and they carry small bottles of developer ( that are enough for two packets of bleach but I always use a little extra) for about 3 bucks. Hot oil and hair placenta for under a buck each. I always walk out of there spending under 10 bucks Unless I get dye too..
Heh, I know the 'burning'issue. Last time I went to a hairdressing-shop (supplies and stuff, also proffesional stuff they sell) and mentioned the bleech burns like hell, the woman there came with a small vial by the brand Landoll, called J1... it some sort of oil with vitamin E, to protect your scalp during bleeching and dying. You massage some of it in your scalp, and mix the rest with the bleech or dye. It really works and reduces the burning quite a bit.
The place I go sells the same thing but I don't know if it's the same brand. It's like 50 cents a piece, very cheap and worth it to try help the damage!


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