Mohawks Rock

i know all you guys have had this problem.
what are some stupid questions youve been asked,and some stories too if youd like to share

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pretty much had the same responses as most here.
whats it like when its not fanned?
how do you sleep at night?
why do you have stupid hair? promptly replied to with why do you have a stupid face?

I went out dressed as a Roman and someone decided they were gonna try to steal my "hat" as I walked past them, Not a smooth move!

although my fav is when girls come up and ask me "how do you get it hard?" followed by "can I touch it?"
"What happened to your hair?"
"Shes a Druggie"
"what is Wrong with your hair?"
"how do you get it to stay up"
yeahh..gets annoying lol
My very favorite is "Are the sides of your head SHAVED?"
I was in downtown memphis one time and a guy asked if i was in town to play music fest...which was a month past...

As far as questions, How long does it take?, How do you do it?, Can i toush it?, and Why dont you be normal? On the street i get old ass mormans video taping me. I live in utah so you can imagine


Is that your real hair? No it's fake, dumbass.

How do you sleep with that hair? I bought a pillow with a cut out in the center. My hair rests in that cut out, dumbass.

Are you a lesbian? Yes, didn't you hear? Mohawks are the new international symbol of homosexuality, dumbass.


Now here are some more unsual ones..

What tribe are you from? (The guy who asked was pretty loaded at the time)

How much did that cost?

Are you a "chicken-bird"? (Asked by a little girl)

lol a couple of IDIOTS asked me that same dumb ass question,''IS THAT YOUR REAL HAIR'' I just looked at them with a blank stare,like wow did you really ask me that,really? a black dude with a 8 inch fake Mohawk, its not Halloween  dude really? my hair doesn't even look fake


What the hell is that?

I said I'm your grandson grama!
well its not that dumb and its a normal question how do you get your hair like that? how much gel do you use? i always like to fuck around with people like oh i just wake up like this. and they believe me so i guess its a stupid question lmao

"What happened to your hair?" What happened to YOURS?
"Did you really shave the sides?" No, you're seeing things.
"Can I touch it?" It feels like hair, leave me alone.
"Are you going to grow it back?" Why would I do such a thing? My hair is this way because I like it this way.
"How do you get it up like that?" I jizz in mah hurrr and stand out in the heat, whilst holding it up.
"How do you sleep?" I hang upside down from the ceiling. (: 

What do you call that?!?! (the chick was pointing to my hair) I just walked away shaking my head. The mohawk has been around for how long?!?! geez.

Did you do it to embarass your dad?! Uhh no Ms. Annoying lady in Value City. I did not. I did it cuz I wanted to do something with my hair since its been growing since i was lil.


It gets annoying when people just reach up and touch my hair... I dont mind if you ask but just goin up and doing it when i didnt even see you near me is just rude and creepy.

 Don't know if this actually ranks up with the dumbest or not but definitely the annoying.

  In a little side street dive I used go to hide from everyone I know this older Redneck Guy argued with me for what seemed like an eternity over whether or not I was a wrestler. Which I am kinda big 6'2 with the hawk I had then maybe 6'5 and 210 lbs.But other than with friends I've never wrestled a day in my life.He just kept slurring out yea you're one those WWW guys or something. I've see you on TV, You Wrasstle) Finally I grabbed a news paper and started reading.

     He went away but I could hear him across the room trying to convince anyone who would listen that I was a Pro. wrestler.

    Oh, another on I got that's Kinda funny...Are you a Punk Rocker?


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