Mohawks Rock

I can't help but think that the only bands people know are the major punks bands out there. From what I read on one of the other forum posts, it looks like people mainly listen too The Casualties, Fear, Minor Threat, and other big name punk bands. Has anyone hear heard of Skarp or Confuse? How about Aghast? They are a good band. Opposition Rising is another. What music to people listen to here? Grindcore, speedcore, crust, thrash..... any of this or is it just the mainstream? Let me know. I am not trying to be a dick. Just curious.

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Have you heard of Vermillion Lies? I think you would really like them.

There actually isn't a genre that I don't listen to...  I just tend to prefer various forms of punk, metal, and other forms of rock.

I listen to Crust, d-beat, grindcore, goregrind, pornogrind,powerviolence, anarcho punk, Oi!, Street punk, hardcore punk, horror punk, Ska, psychobilly, deathrock and goth rock, etc.....

My account has a %95.9 "obscurity rating," which I find shocking to a point that borders on insultion, as I have specific taste in music (some would say "shallow" and I couldn't call 'em wrong).

Most of todays "big name" punk bands aren't actually that big when comparing 1976's GBH 88,000 fans with 2000's Leftover Cracks 127,000 fans. I found a story thats a bit of a read that sums up what I'm getting at in a better way than I ever could. Story Here

*note: these are not my beliefs they're my observations, not trying to make a wake, just pointing out what I've noticed through the years


hmm, seems I did a pretty poor job of answering your question.

I listen to both popular and unpopular, if this for plugging bands that are deserving more fans then what they have the only ones I'm willing to put my name on the line for are Agrestix, Rendan Terror, Bad Co. Project, Tower BlocksAll Out Attak, and GLEICHLAUFSCHWANKUNG (sorry for the all caps, wasnt no way in hell I was typing all that)

I love ska, punk, rockabilly, psychobilly etc. I would have a hard time labeling myself a just o punk or just a rude girl. I also listen to old rap, electronic music (think daft punk not dubstep), irish punk and folk, industrial, indie/folk (think Modest Mouse and Vermillion Lies), some showtunes (think Dr. Horrible), and the list just goes on. 

"Does anyone on this site listen to bands other than..."

Yes. :] 

Yeah actually, I do listen to other bands in fact I don't really listen to the casualties or minor threat. I have heard of skarp in fact seen them live before. Have you heard of blackbird raum or monster squad? Or what about whiskey rebels and ninja academy? I listen to a lot of different genres actually mostly folk punk, bluegrass, punk, ska, speed metal, grind core, and whatever sounds appealing to my ears. 

Right? I wasn't trying to sound mean or whatever but I guess I can't help it. I think that just the way it goes. Some people will know of some bands and some people won't, it's just the way the world works especially in the location some people are in. The punk scene could be completely dry or bustling with people.

That's true, the internet can be wonderful for that. I definitely have heard about a lot more bands that way too.

Does anybody listen to The Exploited?

why not they have some good songs. but mostly the older ones


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