Mohawks Rock

How bout a list of punk bands ppl dont like? Mine are Agnostic Front, Crass, 4 Skins, Green Day, Nausea, Rancid, Vandals, anddd thats all I can think of. I know ppl r gonna bitch about dissing Crass or Nausea, but come on! Crass is the shittiest band EVER! Theyre just a lame message band, like they sing about punk being dead and have a gay album called penis envy for fucks sakes! theres WAY better bands like this like Aus-Rotten! and for Nausea Ive heard better crust bands like Caustic Christ and DOOM. Opinions anyone???

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Shut up.
u shut up.
Guys, guys... Just kidding
I also hate Rancid. Fuck the Exploited. I never liked Anti Flag, Flogging Molly, Dropkick Murphys, the Unseen, the gay Vandals, Discharge, and obviously many more over every genre. ANd Insane Clown Pussy is the stupidest, fucking, gay ass shit.
discharge is holy, thou shalt not talk shit about good music. especially d-beat.
exploited are alright, boring, but alright. i agree on the rest.
How could I have forgotten Korn and Linkin Park
FUCK YEAH i'll second tat' man
teh only acceptance i have for korn is teh singers kilt...what te fuck am i sayin' i still fucking hate korn
te kilt is refreshing though
hate linkin park, but i dont mind korn
with no due respect to such a sell out, over rated, fan fucking, anti piracy, rich ass band; i hate Metallica
SOME rancid songs are luke warm at best, but after reading lars bullshite interview where he states tat' he unlike teh journalist never sold out....yeah
spoiled any taste i had for teh overpriced music they make

i have a few more i'm not nearly done yet

Queens Ryche (spelled it wrong); possibly because me dah likes em?
New Slayer (still love teh old
New Mayhem (teh old's still good
Lemmy, if he's considered a band? because he's "just a womans nether regions, asshole on one side, pussy on the other"
green day, for calling themselves punks then selling their song to some bitch ass disney movie like teh new one with Jackey Chan
crass, with much respect for teh message, their music sucks
(in my personal opinion)
i have more but, i'll save it till i feel like venting some more haha
Yeah FUCK new Slayer. I don't exactly 'hate' Mayhem but their songs suck elephant balls. I hate Varg Vikernes though I kinda like Burzum
haha, they're making a movie on varg vikernes. dunno when its out, but i am sure as hell looking forward to it. he was one fucked up panda.
burzum are allright but i like gorgoroth better, though.

i like the anarcho-punk band mayhem, they're nice.
OH yeah, Gorgoroth kicks dick sometimes. ---: )
what what what, how can you not like the 4-skins? now THATS what i call Oi!

i agree on crass, but mostly for their "punks dead"-shit. they do have a few really good songs, though. then again, they didn't consider themselves a punk band(stupid shitholes). I don't like nausea, crust is too PC, it annoys me. upper middle class punks singing about war "argh blargh mediocre life, mediocre whatever argh blargh waaaar".

furthermore, i think rancid, green day, the distillers, the new perkele, noFX, Shit, i mean this american "ska" they're serving us, new oi! in general, uh and crust, SUCK(S).

fight crass, not punk!


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