Mohawks Rock

so, i went to the venue of scottsdale website this morning to check out when the show starts tonight. 8pm, fantastic! i just went back there again, for some reason and i see MISFITS POSTPONED due to an illness in one of the member's family. Fuuuuuuuuuuck! I was looking forward to this show sooo bad! They moved the date to the 25th, and tomorrows show in cali is still on, but who knows. They may have to cancel quite a few dates till this blows over. Anyone knows whats going on?!

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WTF!!! nooo...i hope it all gets all strightend out, my shows in like a week or 2
That sucks. Sorry that happened to you, what a bummer. If you aren't already in the group, here is the Misfits Fan Group on Maybe somebody in there might have an idea what is going on.
wowwww. that sucks.


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