Mohawks Rock

Whats the best way to get into the Body Modification Business? I'm specifically looking into piercings, but I'm also interested in branding and tattoos. Is best to get a kit and just practice at home, go to a school, or just go to a tattoo shop and shadow a guy? I'm looking for a good first step. Any advice is appreciated!

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Thanks for the advice mate. Nice piercings BTW :)
find a good piercer, or shop, and start getting work there. then after you have been around start asking about how to break into the world. but since your not 18 yet, it will be harder.
Yeah but my birthday is coming soon, which is good. Biggest obstacle for me is my parents though.

First things first, look into what the license requirements are for body modification in yer city and state. once you know that, it will be much easier to pursue what you will need to accomplish in order to be successful. 


DO NOT bother paying for a school... Most shops will just laugh and not hire you if that's the experience you give them. It's a total waste of time and money.


You need to find a good reputable shop, find out if they take on apprenticeships, and pay whatever they want to do so. This could range anywhere from $2,000, all the way up to $10,000, but it's WELL worth it, and you'll make yer money back within the first year of being licensed.


You will more than likely be working for free, being the "shop bitch," observing, and doing whatever they want you to for the first six months to a year while you learn, so it would be wise to have some funds saved up before you start.


Thanks for the advice! It's going to be tough balancing learning and school, also hiding it from my conservative parents and such, >.> but im happy to be at least taking a crack at something I enjoy!
Your 'rents will probably be A LOT more understanding when you start bringing in anywhere from $4,000 to more than $10,000 a month.(All dependent upon how advanced yer mods/training are)
down here in SC you have to have 400 hours of work done in order to become a professional body "modder"
I need to look up the requirements for Sydney. Out of curiosity, what is "work" defined as for piercing? Actually piercing, or just observing and working at a shop?

Most places require a certain number of "apprenticeship" hours, (mostly observing) and a certain number of hours piercing/mods done under the supervision of whoever is teaching you.


AKA- "Work" normally includes both.


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