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Anybody else have Satan's minions in their house making sleep a living hell?

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My buddy next to me had em. And meth bugs. Eeew I got fuckin CHICKEN SKIN on one elbow pissin me off!
Don't let the bed bugs bite!

Mmm...but I never learnt how you were meant to stop them from that night saying.... But I've never had them, I recommend chucking the mattress or Google! How to get rid of bed bugs!
Well I recently got spray bombs and they did the trick, gonna spray a few more and these fuckers will be finished
I'm glad they're working, dude! So glad my climate is getting colder in winter again. :D
They exist! But Ive never had them.
trust me i know they exist but these spray bombs are amazing
Hopefully thats works for you. Other people here seem to be saying to just get rid of the mattress all together.
I did that already, theyre in the couches and all over everything else too
did you ever see that show Verminators? the house with roaches up the walls and in the kids beds, and the one where people were sleeping like 4-5 to a room and everything was completely infested with bed bugs. ew ew ew. so sad too...

anyways, I didn't know they were real until then. we get those nasty centipede bugs that have legs like grand daddy long legs, they gross me out so bad!
get a spray bottle with some rubbing alcohol and go beserk douse everything wait a hour and do it again trust me it works,,,thing is im missing something your suppose to mix with it lol I got to check with the mrs to find out but whatever the mixture was it freaking worked like a charm,,,oh and we got them from a visitor next time i wont hesitate to ask if they got a bed bug problem fuck being rude,its even more rude to infest someone nice clean home
that worked temporarily but not good enough. We get spray bombs that killed a shitload but we need more, to spray every few weeks
Nasty fuckers. My old apartment was some ancient crumbly thing that had 'em. One side, the side I lived on, had bed bugs. The right side of the building has cockroaches.


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