Mohawks Rock

I'm sure if this group grows, there will be more involved threads. So..
Let's start with introductions.

We know each other, sure, but we don't always know what one another are up to.
Who are you, what do you want to be, and what do you go to school for? *and anything else you can think of.

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to me PETA is a contradiction
I agree. i think petas way of going about getting people to stop is a bit extreme, but i think that the more people get the word out there that it is inhumane the way many animals are treated, more and more people will switch to a more humane way of living and treat all animals better. i know when i came home and told my mom i was becoming a vegetarian, she got a little pissed only because she didnt know what we were going to eat instead, but now she hardly ever eats meat. ive grown up with a love and respect for everything living so it hurts me deep inside to see how many people treat their pets as if they dont have feelings. even if people still choose to kill animals for food, i think they should still be treated as the living creatures that they are, not some mechanical product.
When my sis-in-law first started coming by for family visits my mom didn't know what to cook. It was even worse in the Philippines people didn't understand the concept of being a vegetarian over there. They would ask her silly questions like, "What you don't eat meat? What about chicken?" Then go into a whole list of different kinds of meat. She took it in great stride though.
the same thing happened to me when i went to china and peru. it was pretty interesting to see what kind of stuff they would come up with to serve me. my friend (who is also a veg) went to italy and she was always served plates of cheese...
seriously lol...i eat meat because i like the taste, and i feel that if i were to stop just because it is violent i would see myself as hypocritical. If i were a vegetarian would i lament eating my salad, for it too was once a living organism. Not to mention humans kill eachother in ways that are just as bad as the way we kill animals. From the way i see it, humans are violent creatures, and to deny it would be a falsehood.

I have vegetarian friends, vegetarians are cool with me, but i really don't like the ones that feel the need to force their beliefs on me and think they are better for doing so... i will admit that in this age of animal growth hormones vegetarians live a bit healthier, but i just dont care enough to do it for myself
lol i hate saying this cause it sounds so high and mighty, but ive been a vegetarian for 6 years and i cant stand the taste of meat now. i agree with you that the human species is a violent species, but i try to make my life as harmless as i can (unless im at a concert and some bitch behind me keeps elbowing me to try and take my place >.<). I have no problem with people eating whatever they want, i just try to show people that there are other foods out there besides meat so they know they have a choice. i just want to open doors to new things for people, not try to force my vegetarianism on anyone. although i do joke about my friends being murderers a lot, i only say it to poke fun at myself for choosing this lifestyle
Lol we do the same thing to my sister-in-law. She's vegetarian and she married into a Filipino family. So we give her crap that she ruined our brother.
Hi everybody! (everybody waves) I'm Amy and im at the University of West Florida in Pensacola. I'm supposedly an an anthropology major, but I dunno about that anymore (I really wanted to do paleontology, with dinosaurs you know) so now I'm thinking english or philosophy. but who knows what I'll want at the end of the semester ^.^ I'm really in no hurry to get out of college; I like learning too much lol

I'm just about to cut my the sides of my hair on Friday, but I've been wearing my hair up in spikes for the past few days and so far my Intro to religion professor decided that my hair was the most amazing thing ever and wants me to help him put it up (its 33 inches long as he is an exhippie lol)
Come to the University of Alaska, Anchorage!! Actually I don't even know if we have a Psych program at UAA.
university of west florida! you have the beach (if you like that kind of thing) and lots of woods lol. and some people with southern accents because youre practically in alabama. oh, and the school is good too lol. ive heard the psych program is really good (a lot of my friends are psych majors) and the classes tend to the small side. my largest class had 50 people in it and it was a basic intro class.
hmmm....why not lol im a drop out and im attempting to gather up a band to start a Christian Death (Rozz Williams) tribute band aaaannndd im not sure what else to say lol sooo if ya got any questions just ask me
My name is Alex. I want to run a small store selling band merchandise and stuff that I make (pants, wristbands, jackets, etc.) rare vinyls and stuff like that. I currently go to Carolina Friends School (quaker school) but I'm going to public school next year and for all of high school, I want to go to NYU but since its so hard to get in to I probably won't be able to go.


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