Christians don't act like Atheists are the "dirtiest fucking thing" we've ever come across. Thats stupid to think. I'm a Christian and I'm friends with Atheists, Agnostics, and members of other religions. Christianity 101 is to love your neighbor.
Theres plenty of science involved in Christianity - and most of the monotheistic religions when you think about it. Science is definitely not something to be disregarded. Theres evidence for the existence for intelligent design, but no definite proof against it. Everything exploding from a ball of energy that existed from nowhere and everything evolving from a primordial soup makes no more sense than religion does. Because it goes together. Google it if you want specifics - its in several places. Just make sure you don't read something thats biased on either side.
I have to agree about religion being crammed down your throat though - people who are happy in their faith should be able to share it and share the good experiences they've drawn from it, but if their aim is to convert they should offer reason and empathy instead of aggression and arrogance. It takes time, and should be done if you're good friends with somebody and approached with caution. Its a touchy subject.
But I'm not here to argue about what you believe and what you don't believe. Just don't make broad generalizations about things you seemingly don't know much about. Its just as bad as religious people making generalizations about Atheists. A few assholes don't form the entire religion. Have an open mind. c:
I have many Christian friends, seeing I'm stuck in a catholic high school.
And I haven't met ONE who thought "Atheists are the dirtiest fucking things."
Do some research on a subject before you bash it. Adam and Eve? The vast majority of Christians believe that story was false, and is only there to give a message or some shit.
On another note I hate the word "atheist" (or any other religion, really) and refuse to call myself one. I just state that I'm religion-free.
I have to agree with what most of the said people above have said. But i do not in any way call my self an atheist i just have no religion and believe in no god. I don't believe in forcing my opinions on others and i try to receive the same respect. The bible to me is something that was written to in-store order and to help people cope with dying and nothingness. I believe this is the foundation of all religions. But my argument has no meaning or matter.
Who cares really were alive and breathing and soon we will be dead thats all i see.
W.W.S.D. (What Would Siddartha Do?)
Answer: Nothing, he would just meditate instead.
I stopped reading your comment after the list of things I have to do XD
I have NO clue what #3 is, but I wish I had more time for #4.
Either way, school, derby, and shows consumes all of my free time.
It is totally understandable that you would feel angry at society given the things that have happened to you. However, Robert has several good points. One of the problems that people who are highly motivated by religion, philosophy or any kind of belief system have is that they tend to paint everyone they meet who is different than them with the same large brush strokes. They incorrectly induce that if Person A is a bigot, then all people like Person A are also bigots. I have traveled all around the world, and I can honestly tell you that... people are people. There are genuinely awesome and cool people in every religion and culture around the world, and there are also complete dicks in every religion and culture.
Personally, I am an agnostic. I believe in "maybe." I have no idea if there is a god or not, and I don't think anyone else does either.
I can't have a mohawk because I live and have a job in a small city in northern Japan, called Yamagata. To say it is conservative would be vastly understating it. Of course, conservatism is a totally relative concept. What is conservative in America is very different from Japan. The Japanese dislike guns, think the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan are stupid, have a socialized health care system and love it, yet they also have a death penalty, think all drugs including marijuana are the same and therefore bad, and can be very homophobic. Many old timers are prejudiced against non-Japanese like myself.
In America we tend to value independence and uniqueness- the squeaky wheel gets the grease. In Japan, especially in the rural areas, they value cooperation and conformity- the nail that sticks up gets hammered back down. Someone with a mohawk would be viewed as strange and alien and therefore pitied. It would also be impossible to find a job. However, I do think mohawks are awesome, and I love what they represent in the States- total non conformity. Punks or mowhawked people might dress somewhat uniformly amongst themselves, but they still look vastly different than the rest of polite society.
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