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Cuz I am!!

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For me its not much about eatin an animal, its more of the conditions the animals go through to get to the dinner plate, the way they treat the animals and all the shit that happens to them on the way is just horrifying.

"if slaughter houses had glass walls everybody would be a vegetarian" Paul McCartny
I respect your right to abstain from meat, and you seem like a pretty friendly vegetarian (by which I mean you don't seem to be a totally militaristic asshole.) However, the Paul McCartney quote certainly does not apply to everyone. I actually tested myself by eating a big steak whilst watching all of those PETA videos of animals being tortured and killed. I'll admit, I find it distasteful but It didn't curb my appetite. It should also be noted that many of the meat factories that PETA shows are in foreign countries where the slaughter houses are not so regulated. They tend to show the worst of the worst; in reality hanging cattle up by their hind legs, tearing at animals with meat hooks, stomping on pigs, and kicking chickens is discouraged as it is not only deemed to be inhumane but it is also bad for business (it damages the meat or the animals may die of infection) Large animals such as cattle are often killed with a bolt gun put to their head; the people who do this perform many such executions daily and so there is a very high rate of success. Pigs are killed by having the crap shocked out of their brain and I believe that chickens are thrown into an electric bath or something. Cattle are even kept in an enclosure that is shaped in a circuit so they can wander round and round whilst being able to see the rear of the cow in front of them so they feel as though they are in a natural herd. Though it is true that animals (especially chickens) often live their lives in captivity; this is primarily due to the excessive demand for meat than anything else. If the human population was to decline the demand would lessen and we would hopefully then be able to give them more independent lives.
I think it's the realisation of connecting the meat with the living animal in front of you in real-life that's more likely to trigger empathy and a will to not eat it any more. Perhaps with the video, it's too separate? And often it's easy to become desensitised in the modern media where extreme blood & guts in movies, etc. are seen at an early age now.

I know for me, it was the realisation of considering chickens as pets/individuals and after their death (natural causes) that (I think) got my teenage mind to click into a different view of eating their flesh. But it was a long time ago and a very long process (a couple years) of weaning off all meat for me

I don't think I'd be swayed now to repeat the giving up of meat by watching videos - it needed the personal involvement with animals for me. I've become more pragmatic, it's now just my way of eating and I'm fine with the restrictions it places on me. =) I am more comfortable with this way, for me personally.
I used to be Ovolacto. Then one day I pounded a box of hot wings and a porkchop. Not the proudest moment, but it tasted damn good.
i'm vegetarian, been for about a year and a half, not intending on going vegan, i like milk and cheese too much.
Vegan straightedge but it's a personal choice. Everyone walks their own path.
i was vegatarian til i was 7, then my aunty fed me meat.
It wasn't til about a year ago i became vegatarian again.
That reminds me of the Hitch Hikers Guide to the Galaxy clip on animals ending up on the dinner plate:

the meat makes me sick plus it always smells horrible -.-
so even then it makes me wanna puke even before i eat it! o.O


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