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any one want to help me with my religion report its 5 pargraph and i got 3

its about why religion is bad and how it oppress people

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religion is the reason there is so much hate they preach peace yet all they do is say bad things about other churches
how has religion been the cause of most wars?
It depends on the person practicing it..
Thank you, somebody who is intelligent enough to agree. It's unfair to make generalizations in a world that can't be summed up in neat concise answers.
what i mean is that religion is not something you can argue itself, you can argue the existence of god and certain faiths versus others but not the entirity that is RELIGION... i agree that if you write something you need both views but how can you have both views on something to which there are MANY views... Religion is a big place, i suggest you narrow it down, and stick to certain practices of religion rather than the impossible approach of ALL religion is bad and ALL religion opresses people, that doesnt sound like BOTH sides to me... just a bashing of a subject that probably won't fetch a good grade unless your professor is Bertrand Russell
Agreed. Although this might be something he strongly feels about, there are times and places for such things, and a school paper might not be the time nor place for religion bashing.

I practice my religion, my religion does not practice me. I don't let anything control my life. I break rules all the time. I eat bacon, pork is not allowed and I just don't really like pork chops or anything, I touch dogs, they're considered dirty, I sometimes don't pray, more often than not I don't, and I have sex, woah buddy.

It really depends on the severity of your devotion to the religion. I have a friend who's a Born Again, and she carried the Bible with her and can recite passages. If that makes her happy than fine, I'd probably rather die than become that fanatic about a religion, or anything in general.

I mean, I can understand the oppression thing in some cases, but most people choose to live their lives that way. And that is not oppression. It does, however, start wars, you can use the Crusade as an example, or the fighting in the Gaza Strip between the Israeli's and Palestinians. But just writing about how religion is bad isn't going to get you any extra points for creativity and understanding of the subject.


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