Mohawks Rock

ok i was wondering if anyone does anthing diffrent to their mohawk?
like i put mine in pigtails.

does anyone else do that or do u just keep it down?

pics please =)

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I wanna see picture of pigtails =O
I French braid mine down the middle of my head. That's what I like to do when it's not up.
Mines too short for that D:
I tried to get my mom to do it.
yea i can't do it for shit either. I've tried. I have to make others do it. Somewhere along the line I missed the secret class that all girls seem to take where they learn how to do elaborate shit with their hair. haha.
Me too haha. Ive tried to get my mom to teach me about a million times and she just says she doesn't know how xD
french braid..mmm not bad, i'm thinking abut yarn braids in my hawk--check out this site ,
I new a chick with yarn braids in her hair. They looked pretty good, so I'd say go for it. I'm really just a fan of people putting random shit in their hair.
my hawk isnt the narrow kind so its easy 4 pigtails
i put mine up in a pony tail.
i tried a braid and it kinda worked.
and i've been thinking of pig tails, just haven't gotten around to it
Well, beside having a mohawk, I use to shave the sides of my head into different "figures" or something like that

Two excamples of my most recent haircuts

I dont know if it was thing like that you were looking for, but it would be really cool to se a girl with that kind of haircut! ;P
that looks awesome. i like the spider one the best. i would love to get something like that. where did u go to get it done? or who did it for u?
thats pretty cool, glad to see many diffrent styles. and yes awesome some else with pigtails =)


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