Mohawks Rock

Wal-Mart worker trampled to death by shoppers.

Rest of the story here.

Words cannot express my disappointment in humanity.

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What the fuck is wrong with people...?
I work for Walmart and used to be a maintenance man (currently a cashier) like the victim was that coulda been me! i see the attitudes like that from people everyday, but actually not giving a shit about whether he's hurt or not... that fuckin repulses me and further validates my point that most people are just garbage.
I go to black friday sale just as a sort of progress see how society is operating on a mass is not good. I saw a 7 year old girl get shoved around, knocked down and people just rushed by selfishly because they might miss the sale.

it is very disturbing to me how irrational we have become as a whole. People say it is human nature but i believe and see more evidence that that is just systematic dissolution of humanity to greed to support their "man is animal" theory. The key to this is understanding that the market is not nature and the forces that instill these values in people are very suspect to nature.

As for asking what is wrong with people...that is a very loaded question that cannot be answered simply and takes a very long time to start researching a ton of different stuff and frankly most peoples interest in answering that stops at the end of their sentence sadly.
i believe that its all impulse based by environment... our media sends out signals to consume, it projects the image that man's worth is based on possession, you see it in areas from consumerism to sexual conquest. yeah it could be said that it comes down to a personal thought to give in or resist but most don't and buy into whatever society wants to sell them, it is sad really. i don't believe that there is much in our society to validate the man as animal argument because that deals with mostly survival, and as my sociology class puts it america is at its peak and has entered what is called the "age of mass consumerism" theres really no other way to put it. i garauntee you it wasnt the lowerclass people trampling over that guy to buy flat screen tvs at discount prices at 5am, i like to think they are more concerned with making it from day to day.

on another note what i want to know is Where the fuck were the other employees? you mean to tell me that a couple of cashiers couldnt have got off the registers to at least get the fuckers off of him? that also worries me... just a thought


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