Mohawks Rock

So.. I turn 18 in March, which is the legal age to get piercings here.. without parental consent, and they'll never consent to shit.
I dunno what piercing to get though. I want my nose, lip, nip, belly button, ears, and tongue done up. I hate labrets, any types of bites, monroes, medusas, plugs, and industrials. Hahaha.
I also work as a camp counselor for little kids.. like 5-8 years old. So I can't go crazy. And it was to be easily concealable.
I was thinking about getting my lip done and wearing it like that. My friend said it would look dope on me. And it's not bad since I can kinda hide that..

Anyone have any suggestions on what to get done?

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i personally think that labrets are awesome, i have one, but yeah it's not quite the lip as it's below the lower lip line, it's actually a form of chin piercing if you think about it

but i think that all of those you've listed sound good, most of them are hidden apart from nose (which is more acceptable than the lip for some weird reason) but keep your options open, you may see something you've said you dislike but think that it looks nice. start with the simple ones like the ears and mouth and move into the more painful areas and make sure you go to a place with a good reputation, and make sure it's squeaky clean. you can't get all infected !, espcailly if you work with kids, they'll point it out and it'll be a sore as a bitch!

all else fails, clear piercing bars are easily hidden and they hide the holes
There's only one piercing place near my house, and it's about 2 hours away as it is. They've been in business for over 50 years and they're legit. It's where everyone goes. You don't go anywhere else. They use sterile one-time equipment and they do a good job.

I think labrets look amazing on certain people, my boyfriend had one, and he looked great with it. I just don't have the face for it.
Funny story about the piercings though.. So I was asking my best friend in language/comp class yesterday, and she goes, let me see the piercing you want, and I thought she said.. let me see your clit. I was like.. WTF DID YOU SAY?!? and stared at her like.. I was petrified, and I was, I was so shocked. And she was like.. what did I do? and I said.. You want to see my clit? And she goes.. wtf no! I thought it was pretty funny.. but you had to be there haha.
hahahahha i dont getit
I thought she asked if she could see my clit.. lol.. I have really bad hearing.
So now she says things just to fuck with me. Like for Halloween she was a badass, haha, she had this tattoo shirt on and like, these amazing leather pants, my boots, my belt, and her fucking beautiful leather jacket that I want so bad that she got in Italy that I'm so jealous of. And I was in one of my dirndls, one of the more revealing ones really, that I wear when I work at Oktoberfest. (I serve beer in my onkel's hometown in Bavaria) And so we were getting changed and she was like.. you have to try this shirt on it makes me want you to lick my pussy.. and I was like.. what?!? and she goes.. I said it makes me want to dance.
So now.. I get to deal with that.. all the time..
she sounds like fun...
'it's actually a form of chin piercing if you think about it'

where the fuck is your chin? lol
its HARDLY a chin piercing now is it? itfrom the inside of your MOUTH to the outside of your MOUTH... which is a mouth and not a chin.......haha
haha very true. ionno, labrets to me is a lip piercing, a vertical labret is a lip piercing, off center labret is like a single snake/spider bite.. bleh. whatever.
well my labret is under my lip and above my chin, my typing came out all wrong, what i meant was that a lebret isn't quite the lip because it's below it. it doesn't pierce the actual lip itself. anyway this is a idea forum page, not a 'let's pick fault in people's words' forum.
you're right. but on top of all of this i don't see how people can write in a forum asking what they think other people want them to do, this is solely in my opinion, but I think that every piercing and tattoo, and any other form of body modification, should be completely the choice of the individual. I can see how other people's opinions would perhaps give the individual something to ponder, but overall I don't think anyone should be swayed by what other people say or think about their appearance. If this girl wants her "nose, lip, nip, belly button, ears, and tongue done up" then she should definitely get them done, and if there are certain piercings she doesn't like, she shouldn't get them (although dissing them is another thing). it doesn't matter whether someone else does or does not want her to have them.
Good point, and honestly I could give a fuck less what she gets. haha no offense or anything but yeah I'm not going to tell you what I would like.. at the same time I see why she might be asking.. the whole suitable for work thing, but if you can get away with whatever it is you want at work i'd say go for it.
Maybe if you opened your eyes and read my original post you would have seen the piercing I wasn't interested in. I'm not dissing on them I just don't want them on my body.
No one asked you to reply, and the reason I'm asking is because I want opinions on what to get first. I'm not taking one persons opinion and basing my decision solely off that. So stop PMSing, "she" has a name, so please use it, or don't bother posting here
haha you didn't use mine, why would i use yours? and its a fucking website, and its a fucking forum, so quit being a bitch about it =]
you realize that there are so many diverse people in here and so many opinions, you have to expect people to disagree with you. By posting a forum in the first place asking for comments, you're asking for the good and the bad. Guess I'm the bad, WHOOT =]


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