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Is anyone else here religious in some sort? Personally I am a Christian.

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agnostic. i think something could've made the big bang that made the world (yes evolution), but what made the thing that made the bang, and what made that and that and that?!? see? i asked my mom when i was like 12 or 13 and she told me to ask god. come on, really? but to me, religion was created outta social control. cuz back in the day, they didn't really have tasers/cops/jails/etc. so they created a higher power to hold over people as a scare tatic to make them behave basically. and then to explain our "being." i mean the greeks had gods to explain everything, and monotheism is basically all those gods in one. there's too many different beliefs for me to ever believe any of them - so i never have. i could go on and on and on....
i dunno if i posted allready or not. but im technically roman catholic.

i dont practice though, nor do i belive in god, wouldn't go as far as being atheist, i simply dont devote time or energy thinking about if there's something out there or that made us.

thats just me though, i respect a lot of religious people, and atheists and such, i just consider myself nether haha.
The Invisible Pink Unicorn and The Dragon In The Garage sound pretty good to me.
=0 The pink unicorn is not invisible! You can see him, you just have to have faith!!!!
The interesting thing I find about adding the extra layer above of some intelligent influence is, if we (or our universe) needs intelligent beings to influence its existence, don't they need one too? Then logic follows to ask, what is the reason for gods/influences to exist? How did they come about? Who influenced them into existence?

Logically, at some point, you come to a layer above which has no reason or influencer for the existence of it or an infinite number of creators of creators. If the first is true, then they have no reason to exist but that they somehow exist, which is the same as we and our universe are without them. If the second is true, and it's an infinite chain of beings above beings, then we're just another influence in the chain. Maybe one day we'll create other universes ourselves.

Personally, I think it's easier to believe in intelligence arising over time from simpler parts. The simpler parts have to come about either endlessly or from nothing and without prior reason, but I believe they might as well appear without intellifence since it's less reasonable to expect sudden complexity out of nothing to influence the creation of simpler things first.

One thing for certain, nearly all of us have our parents to thank for existance - apart from test-tube babies and cloned embryos, where things get complicated. And to my parents, I'm thankful. =)
I know, right?

What the fuck is all of that "women are unclean" shit about!? That's twisted in so many fucking ways. Watch anyone, man or woman, try to make me their "property" and we'll just see what happens, eh?
yeah what is that women are unclean shit. where's that from?
I'm an anti-theist.
Im a follower of Jesus Christ. You could call it Christian, but a lot of people think negative things. My faith is very important to me, but I'll do my best to not shove it down your throat.
I think religion and rules is man trying to get to God, so I dont use that word.
Cornerstone Festival is the best thing in the world for me.

If there are other Christians/Christ followers, Id love to get to know you!
i was born a christian because my parents baptized me (didn't have anything to add myself at the time lol)

i see myself as an atheïst now. i don't have anything against religion, but i do have some bad feelings when it comes to 'organized' religion. At the end it's always one or more figures trying to take over control and lead the sheep around ... but that just my opinion.

Believe should be personal.
greetings :)
I'm an agnostic. I do believe in god, but I have never felt the need to choose a specific religion.


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