Mohawks Rock

I picked up two 100ml bottles of this stuff called White Magic. It's a 40-volume crème color developer. It says to use in same manner and quantity as regular 40-vol liquid peroxide.

I've never bleached before so I still don't know how to use this stuff. Anyone had experience with this type of product (a bleach that isn't a powder) ?

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get someone else to do it, or if you wanted to be really awesome, RTFM!
it didnt come with instructions???
thats odd, they should be in the box, or whatever it came in.
oh and be careful with forty volume bleach, it will leave your hair like straw if your not careful.
yeah what she said
you mix developer with powder least in my expierence. ive never heard of just using developer to bleach hair *shrugs*
i dont even know what developer is...
its what activates powder bleach.. or any dye really, you mix the right volume developer with the dye base before you use it. like when you use box dye and you have to mix everything before you use it, your mixing the developer with the dye..
ah thats what developer is, well in that case lol he should get some bleach powder


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