Mohawks Rock

Ok so I tried dyeing my hair red with the reddest looking dye I could find at the store.

My hair turned out being a copper/rusty orange color, which is fine for now but I really want it to be red.
Can anyone suggest a red hair dye I can buy online that would work on someone with...copper colored hair?

Located in the US preferably.

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Also, I want like a blood darkish (but not too dark) red color, not a Crayola crayon type red...
try special effects,manic panic,or just the generic garnier fructis they always have an unatural dark red color and its permanent.
did u bleach your hair before hand? make it a light colour
n put the red over that
shld go red red then
yeah man bleach will help lol
Use Punky color, it's like 10x better than Manic Panic. Buy some bleach dye. You can usually pick out the most 'blonde' by looking for the word 'DECOLORANT' on the box. I would suggest bleaching your mohawk once, washing it out and letting it dry then bleach it a 2nd time. With dark hair you're most likely going to get an orangy yellow colour the first time, after you bleach it a second time, it will go the yellowy white you're looking for. Now just apply the punky cream shit to your newly whitened hair, leave it in for as long as you can spare time for. If you've got some petroleum jelly (Vaseline) laying around, be sure to apply it to your forhead and back of neck so if any dye touches your skin it wont dye it red, also if you dye your sides blonde too (like I do) you can put shampoo in your hair that you want to stay blonde and when you wash out the red it wont run through it (just another tip you probably wont need) ..... Punky is better for a couple reasons.. the main reason is that it lasts longer, it's brighter and it acts as a deep conditioner, this helps keep your hair soft and healthy which is especially important after you've just forced all the life out of your hair with a shitload of super harsh chemicals.

Here's punky's official website.

So.. good luck!
punky colors reds, purples, and pinks stain like a mother fucker!!!! i love punky colors but i dont usually reccomend the dye in those colors unless you know how to get it off your skin and the tub before hand!
How do you keep punky color from rubbing off on everything?
I know how to remove it, but I feel like Im doing this alll the time. =/
Don't lean against white walls lmao. I learned that the hard way.
I found it only really came out on things when it was wet or when I vigorously rubbed against something. even then it was only like that when I first dyed it.

I found that using this 'invigorating facial scrub' stuff got the color off myself really well. It's some Avon stuff but I'm sure any kind of soap that's kinda course will work.
astringents work as well too.

that's my little arsenal.

Alexis: I tuck my hair into itself if I dye it all one color. If I'm doing just certain bits I figure out a way to tie it off. I've found clips (long, curved hair dressing type of things from sally's) work very well for this. it won't absorb the dye and for the most part it doesn't rub off. Even works with bleach.
i highly recomend special effects. blood red sounds like what you need.
use some thirty volume bleach first though.
and dont use manic panic reds, they suck.
im not so sure...but then again all thats available to me is manic panic
I LOVE special effects!!!

I used the punky colour in the shade of pillarbox red (much like manic panics) for the red thats in my hair now (check my pics)
I can say, I officially can vouch for it. Manic panic has NEVER set into my hair. It always came out within two washes. Punky colour has survived for a week looking just as vibrant.
Special effects I could go for ages without touching up.


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