Mohawks Rock

Ok so I tried dyeing my hair red with the reddest looking dye I could find at the store.

My hair turned out being a copper/rusty orange color, which is fine for now but I really want it to be red.
Can anyone suggest a red hair dye I can buy online that would work on someone with...copper colored hair?

Located in the US preferably.

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for a deep red in my opinion your chances of getting better then a box dye is slim to none. i recomend garnier and not to bleach your hair before hand. ive never found a semi perm dye that hasnt leaned tword the copper or pink side. the plus to a box dye in that case is that its perm and will lost alot longer then semi perm...obviously haha
mine didnt...
then you must have used some crap ass dye.. mine always lasts for a very long time.
PoisenedByTheReligion...Where do you GET punky color anyways?
I personally get it downtown at 'the rock shop' but I suppose it would depend where and if your city/town sells this product in any of their stores. There are dozens of viable online stores that sell this product, just use google!
i get mine from a local beauty shop. you just have to go in lots and remember which brands of dye each store has.
Hot topic has just started carrying it... I think it's 10 buck a jar (cheaper than the others that are carried) if you are in a mall or can't find a beauty store, or don't want to order off line.
a good dye i use for when i go pink or any other colour is Smart Colour, it lightens then dyes and it works on any hair type and colour. i dunno if you can get it in the US, but you can order it online if you want and it takes about 5 days. you dont have to bleach your hair and it feels really soft and shiny afterwards.

i just looked it up on the american site and it's about $13-00 and comes in all colours
The color in my profile picture is Special Effects: "Nuclear Red"

if u want more pics I have plenty


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