Mohawks Rock

i have seen a lot of emo hating around the forum and it really jiggles my niggle, people dont seem to understand what emo is, it is actually a form of punk, it is not the self mutilating depressed group of people that they are usually put across to be, in fact nirvana are more emo than emos this should clear things up also check it out on wikipedia and urban dictioanary as well

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Older emo music is alot different than emo today. It's actually alot like hardcore punk
"punk is talking about hating the government and society. It isn't about how your girlfriend broke your heart and shit"
yes it is havent you ever heard of pop-punk?
you name dropped the fucking RAMONES in your last post have you even bothered to listen to any of their songs?
BPD is not that rare. It is rare that doctors will assign that diagnosis because of the harsh stigmatization of it. I will gladly debate this with you because I have it, have done a lot of reading on it and talking to doctors about it. So the statistic that states its rare is not so much that it is rare, it is a statement to the refusal of doctors to assign that label to the person. BPD mixes intense rages, sometimes blackout periods, a tendency for self destruction in all regards, we undermine our own efforts socially because we fear abandonment. We criticize ourselves harshly and instantly put others on pedestals which work towards fueling that self destruction. Stress is a bad trigger and we do not know how to deal with it so a lot of us cut ourselves. Some people who have BPD also feel literally numb so they cut themselves to be sure they are alive.

For more info on BPD I suggest reading the books "I Hate You, Don't Leave Me" and also "Walking On Eggshells"

now, as for the discrimination thing, you contradict yourself instantly. here are some direct quotes from your post.

"You can say fuck racism or sexism and then say fuck emos. Because that isn't being racist. Emo is not a race. It crosses race boundaries and sexes. It isn't discriminatory because Emo isn't anything but a genre of music."

Right after that statement you follow up with this: "I hate emo. I hate the genre of music, I hate the way they dress, the way they act" No reason for me to pick that apart =)

Now, if you cant see how racism or sexism and your mindless discrimination over people for petty bullshit, you are frankly very ignorant and naive and insecure. Keep putting up the walls and burning bridges and if/when the day comes when you need help from a certain person or group, you will be all alone perhaps.
hmmmmm although im not fond of 'emos' i agree with skip. saying u beat down on emos bcos of ur boyfriends band or whatever is stump dumb. i get shit of chavs bcos im a metal head. so me giving shit to emos bcos thats how they look/act wud make me just as bad.

yeh the music sucks.yeh they look dumb, but if thats how they wanna look and if thats the music they wanna listen to then thats fine by me, bcos generaly 'emos' are the people who are least likely to give me any shit so i aint gunna give them any.

and with the whole thing about not being racist or sexism but hating emos, ur shootin urself in the foot bcos at the end of the day ur judging people on things that go beyond personality and although you can get away with saying i h8 emos but obv not with saying things about a race, it cums down to the same thing, judging a book by its colour
Why don't you tell us how you really feel Erica LOL ;)
i used to really into the whole Emo thing (the faddy kind), but I didn't understand it enough, I just liked the way it looked, (i love the colour black) but I was lucky, I already listened to Punk and Gothic rock. it really brought me down when people would take the piss and tell me to slit my wrists, I suffered from Bi-Polor disorder and it wasn't what i needed. i also started to feel that the whole Emo thing was becoming too mainstream, everyone seems to have a pair of black skinny jeans and Jack Skellington stuff, I think i've gone back in musical style, i started off Gothically inclined, then Emo, then a combination of Punk and Goth, ( i wonder how many stereotype names i can fit into this)

i don't agree that people think that they can beat them up however, we all have problems (even if they're made up in some cases) and being beaten up is just going to make it worse. i've been beaten up so many times just because i dye my hair and like wearing black and wearing make-up. Ericka, no wonder punk fans and mowies have such a bad reputation. if anything we should be more tolerant of the punk offspring, whether it be goth to emo to modern punk fans. we're the most tolerant people in the world, all i can say is 'shame on you'. anyway...peace and love, no matter what or who you are
i'm highly agreeing with skip and sonic.

erika sounds like she's got a tad bit of anger tied up somewhere and its just my personal opinion that she needs to learn what respect is and take her anger out someway other than beating and hating on groups that are different from her own.

I believe they call that being close-minded, naive, or ignorant, and most people don't like tolerating that.

and if you're just on this forum to bitch about people who choose a style that fits them and that they feel comfortable in, you need to realize that "Life sucks, so suck it the fuck up."
alot of em around here are really annoying though. they arent the quiet emo ppl think of. they are more like attention whores. ["I FUCKING LOVE B4MV!!!!!!!!!!! i want to fuck them!" screamed the emo chick]
Discrimination is NOT punk rock.
neither are most things punk rock is music xD but ''punk'' is the attitude
I think most people think punk attitude is lets get drunk everyday, lets be obnoxiously snotty to everybody because they dont understand, etc etc and really a lot of people who claim the punk attitude are just as shitty as any other person who hates on a group of people.

A lot of people miss the main point that a lot of punk bands talk about which is being yourself because YOU want to be. Then again, that sentiment has been along far before punk and I think sadly, the Sex Pistols and Exploited have influenced what is known as punk attitude as compared to say Crass.

I think attitude largely can be summed up in that: you are an asshole who is insecure and protects that by portraying the tough, snobby, gender roles to impose ones will.....or your open and accepting to learning and understanding and growing. These can probably be expanded upon greatly.

As to the previous comment on how whiny the ones from their part of the world are...why does it bother you so much? Here is a sad fact of life, an overwhelming majority are bitching, moaning, and whining about stupid shit. If they were not, and were doing something constructive, we would not be in such a fucked up state of the world. We all bitch and complain, its a matter of what is being bitched about and if we work towards alleviating and eliminating what is making us bitch and complain.


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