Mohawks Rock

If you go to and check in the lower right hand corner they have a poll asking if you would wear a mohawk for your favorite sports team.

Lets get in there and fill up the polls!

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Good to see my homestate of Montana rocking the ESPN poll.
i think they took it off. i couldn't find it.
yeah they changed the poll..
Dang! Figured it wouldn't be up there that long. Wonder if I can write them to find the final results.
yeah do it man i would have so voted but it was gone and i was like noooooooo!
My answer to this would be no and that is because I don't have any favorite sports team. Sports suck.
wat wat wat!? not even synchronized swimming? figure skating? professional crab walkers of america? baaah!
That's a broad statement and I doubt it's true. I certainly hope you do more than sit and watch TV, listen to music (which can be done while riding a bicycle, walking, running, skiing, etc), and typing on the computer.
Broad statements are rarely, if ever, true.
There's nothing broad about hating Sports. Sports do suck. Especially all the televised ones.
I get plenty of exercise, I'm quite fit and I never watch TV, yet I don't play/watch sports or change my hairstyle in support of crappy commercialized teams no one should care about. If you like FOOTBALL then fine.. go play some football with your buds some time and have some fun. It's a game. Not something billions and billions of dollars should go in to.
I like.. Euro Football.. haha.. and swimming. Olympic swimming.
And snowboarding..
But not like.. sold out bitches snowboarding.

I snowboard and swim.. I swim competitively and shit.. It's fun. And I like to see these guys in the little speedos. =]
I'm a perv..
i woyuld have voted just cos mohawks pwn


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