Mohawks Rock

I pretty much use the subway everyday (NYC), and I've been noticing that its hard to sit back and relax. I take the 7 train a lot, and all they have are the normal seats not the L shaped ones, so in order to rest my neck, I'd have to lay my head sideways so I don't mess up my mohawk. I find it extremely uncomfortable, is there any other way yas know how to deal with it?

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erm, i watched some of these vidoes before i joined and what i did is shaved the back of my head because I cant put my hair up in the back but i seen this vidoe with hairspray so try that out.
if your mohawk is done right you should be able to lean back without it being uncomfortable or getting wrecked, if you don't want to shave off the back then just rest your head on your hand lol
use a flexible hairspray (i like bedhead hard head hairspray) you should be able to rest your head any way you want for fairly long periods of time without your hawk getting in the way and it will just spring back in place when you get up :]
I also live in nyc and have the same problem. If you use the 7 train, sit in the middle of the long benches because the window extends out giving you a couple extra inches. Works for me. You then don't have to sit on the train uncomfortably.
I have trouble getting through the Subway turnstyles, specially in Brooklyn. My boys always laugh as my entire hunched over body tries to squeeze through those things. The hawk, would most certainly not fit, but next time im up that way i'll figure out something im sure. The subway system is one of the great things about NYC. Atlanta is focused on driving everywhere and sucks that way.
Doen't Atlanta have the MARTA subway system?
That's a whole lot more than Detroit....
i didn't think of the turnstyles, might be harder for me in the future. But I guess you can use the door that opens for the people with baby carriages or bikes.


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