Mohawks Rock

Spent a bit of time assembling a few necessary sections for a growing community site such as we have. Here is the FAQ section, which will be in an up-and-coming "About Us" type section.

If you find stuff that is wrong or any features you'd like further explanation on please add this into this discussion.

Better yet, if you find you know the answer to something not there, let me know and we can add it in as well. I also want to develop a new member guide, so remember all your bumps and bruises and put them in here, to help new members join in on the conversation as painlessly as possible.

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Good idea. Would have been nice to have this when I was figuring out the whole photo uploading thing =]
Actually, your whole photo uploading thing was the spark that lit the fire keeping me up til 6:30am putting these things together.

Thanks for the ignition. Oddly your name is Matchstick.
I have been thinking on the idea and I guess I will pitch it...what about a general-ish FAQ on spiking hair? Compiling info from all of us, could make it a wiki type thing or something?

I think it could be useful for new members that way we don't field the same questions a ton of times. Not that that is a huge hassle but it can be helpful for people to just have the info they need right there ya know?

Could have general things like products and methods (not huge in depth how tos but maybe links to them?) hwo to cut in on and the pros and cons of DIY vs. salon, hair dye etc etc and anything else people could think of.

It may be too wide of an idea that somewhat nullifies the forum but I think we get enough discussion on things away from that type of stuff that it would still flourish.

liek I said, figured I would throw out there anyway =) Feel free to run with it or not.
Sounds like a good idea. It would come in handy if the site booms (more so then it already has).


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