Mohawks Rock

Im guessing no-one is hardcore conservative but ive met many mohawk wearers who I would say were quite conservative..........

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BTW, I'm registered as a (gasp) Republican, but I do split my ticket. I vote for the candidate, not the party. I will comment that I doubt if I'll ever vote for anyone named Bush in the future.
I lost my enthusiasm after Mitt Romney dropped out of the race.
I'm hardcore democrat.
Don't even get me started on how anti-Communist and anti-Anarchy I am. It'll never work. Government never works in the ways that they seem they should. But Democracy is the lesser of the evils.

My sister was trying to get me to join Young Conservatives and I was just like.. wtf hoe?!? I'm like.. liberal.

Barack Obama is so hot. =] And he's dope as shit.
That's the problem, it's always going to be the 'lesser of two evils'.

That's so FUCKED. Like honestly? If you see two parties that are fucking EVIL, why vote for the slightly less evil one? You need to stand up and say FUCK THAT.
Agreed. Its the same argument as the frog in a pot of water. Throw a frog into a pot of boiling water, it'll jump the fuck out. Put it in a pot of water and slowly raise it to a boil, it'll fucking die. We gotta take a stance.
anarchy can never work eh? Not to argumentative...but what do you know about anarchism? the history and theory of it? And do you see the current system in place as "working"?

I suggest rather than believing all the disinfo put forth by media and politicians that you do a lot of research and find out that anarchy works just fine and could work. Happens every single day from small things like sewing circles or movie nights amongst friends where the various tasks are divided equally and rotated (ie one brings movie, one brings drinks, one brings snacks, one supplies place) organizations like Food Not Bombs, or any band that functions as a collective

To more major things like the EZLN currently in Mexico that have been around since 1994 I believe and still going very strong. For another historical example you may wish to look at the Paris Commune.

It really is not that anarchy cannot work, it is that people do not want to work. Not in the sense of wage slavery, but in the sense that to make anarchy work we need to do a huge revaluation of our principles and start putting emotional and people needs over profit and capital needs. Largely in this day and age the will of people to be autonomous is all but gone and though I sure as hell know a liberated world for people and by people will happen one day, it will not in my life time and I think that is where myself and other anarchists differ from the masses....everybody wants the instant fix and the instant fix is never there. treating the symptoms does not uproot the disease.

If you care to educate yourself on this stuff I strongly suggest you look up the Zapatistas, look into Consensus decision making vs. Majoritarian voting, and find a post I made called False Hope vs. Real Change that is an anarchist critique of the two party system. Here is the link for you to the post I made with the text.

I find that most people who pull the anarchy cant work card base their argument on the size of our society, and a belief that people are inherently violently and not products of violent environments. But they never hear about radical groups from all over the country and world that organize on consensus to work together at protests or at other events.
I hope you vote for candidates based on their voting records, platforms, etc. If you vote just on looks, please don't vote in political elections. Vote for American Idol, Dancing with the Stars, or someting of that genre.
Read each candidate's views and platforms.
I researched each and every candidate (including school boards, drain commisioner, etc) on my two page ballot using the internet and voted accordingly. Yes, it took me about 4 hours, but I feel comfortable with the choices I made.
BTW, sample ballots are available (at least in Michigan). I already voted absentee since I'm working the polls election day. I'll be one of the people making sure people are registered, keeping the line moving smoothly, making sure the voting machines work, etc. I'm NOT allowed to do any campaigning or discuss politics at the polls as a poll worker.
my political philosophy is that reform is evil. its like a band-aid to cover up the fact that revolution is neccessary. The "change" and "reform" offered by both barrack and mccain just delay the inevitable crash of this system. Though i completely disagree ith mccain id vote for him since it will probably bring revolution on quicker. In fact, if you really want revolution, elect another idiocracy like the one we just had for the past eight years. That'll probably get people riled up nough to tear down the state. Revolution should never stop, because as soon as people get complacent, politicians, religious leaders, businessmen, they all slowly rebuild their power. So even if the ideal anarchist system breaks out, people have to be ready to break up the villages, t cities, and the states that may once again coalesce.
there is no such thing as human nature
Anarchy is a bit of a fad for the overly optimistic... people are born naturally evil, no one has to tell a small child to lie or steal they do it on their own. Also according to Rouseau, society furthers the corruption of people. It seems inevitable that we are doomed to be miserable with any form of government we go with... I choose libertarianism because it is a form of miniarchism. ararchy does have some great things going for it like unconditional liberty, but we overlook the fact that there are psychos out there and not to mention greed... if we all lived as equals there would still be that one asshole that tried to assume control over everything thus eliminating anarchy. it is my belief that a form of structure of government is meant to be in place to serve only 2 purposes...1. to protect a nation from the threat of others (aka invasions, not this world police bullshit) and 2. to protect the nations citizens from eachother without infringing upon their human rights (in other words locking up serial killers etc.) other than the most basic forms of laws hindering rape, murder, theft (basic things that would infringe upon the human rights of others) no law should be made to oppress the people of a nation. both Obama and Mc Cain want to create big government all in the name of saving/spending money to revitalize the economy. I say the government needs an enema!!!
I disagree. I think don't think people are naturally evil, I think people are naturally good and caring. Outside influences cause them to become evil. And there is a minority who due to their background are very uncivil. We have neccessary laws and customs to promote civility. I also believe when harm is inflicted on another being, the perpertrator should be given the maximum punishment permissible by society.

I personally try to say thank you to people who are friendly and considerate (even while driving), and ignore those who are not.

I also agree that government has become too infringing - both major parties are guilty of this. A lot of people want a nanny, though, and don't want the responsibility for their own lives.

The signers of the US Constitution would likely be shocked at the size and control of the Federal government. These were brilliant men who crafted a brilliant document. Being intelligent humans, they realized there were flaws (slavery, for one), but they were smart enough to include provisions for amendments. I doubt if Franklin, Jefferson, Adams, etc. ever imagined how resiliant the US Constitution would be.

This is why I was so careful when voting for executive, legislative, judicial and local board positions this year. We need government, but we don't need a nanny. (Actually, our elected officials could use a nanny once in a while.... that's us).
oh i agree about the constitutional doctrines dont get me wrong thats why i'm libertarian... an age where the president can start wars without the congress approval (the represented approval of the people)? thats bullshit...

And yes while you may try to be kind and while most people are generally caring productive members of a society. I can say that morality is a learned trait and not inherent... when children are born there is only one part of the subconcious that is formed "the id" it governs instant gratification. this can lead to anything from crying for milk as a baby or stealing something from a grocery store as a small child or lying to a parent to gain approval or avoid punishment... unless that child learns morality from society the superego (or responsibility/morality principle) will be hindered from maturing properly which in turn can screw up the formation of the childs ego (which acts as a balancer between the two)... in short in the beginning humans have no sense of responsibility because morality and reason arent present because their minds run on 100% instant gratification which can lead to selfish and arguably "evil"acts... unless morality is learned (and sometimes even if it is) the impulses of the id will get worse in a society such as ours that is based on instant gratification consumerism....

other than that i completely agree with you Bob you made some excellent points and i do agree that the founding fathers would be appalled today with our government


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