Mohawks Rock

Im guessing no-one is hardcore conservative but ive met many mohawk wearers who I would say were quite conservative..........

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im an anarcho-communist
nah i dont agree with politics either way i would have to say i believe more in anarchy than anything else less shit to worry about in all honesty. i think if we go by Anton LaVeys teachings we can easily live and exist nicely without a government.
It has been a long time since I read La Vey but from what I remember he seemed to have more in common with capitalist tendencies of fulfill the self as its main focus and not focusing on strengthening communities. If so, we see where this leads by looking around our current world.

Like I said though, I read that about a decade ago and there may be some things I am missing.
i always interpretterd his works to be somewhat anarchic.
I would say LaVey's teaching are more in the capitalist venue. Its about a selfish ideal of taking care of yourself, and your needs and wants. And capitalism, if done right, benefits you greatly, while fucking over the smaller man. But like Sonic, haven't read it in a year or two, so i could be wrong
I'm a demopcrat
all i care about.
obama is awesome! why not?
i dont like Obama but i want a black pres. besides McCain will probably go crazy since he has like Post Traumatic Stress Disorder. And if either do die in office i would much prefer Biden over Palin
well fuck it is pretty good probability that McCain will die in office due to age or some brain aneurysm or something and then Palin steps in then its no longer safe to walk the streets because she will be doing flyovers gunning down people....much like her hunting tactics ;)

That is my presidential humor for the race =) I usually do nto make fun of these situations but I really couldn't resist this one
I posted this on a transportation forum on which I'm an active member..... hope it doesn't offend anyone; it's intended to make you think before you vote....

I was going to sit out this debate, but decided it was too important.

Neither candidate or party has a realistic plan to address the many issues facing our country, including energy and transportation. American politics has become nothing more than a media frenzy and a glorified 'American Idol'. I see very little intelligent conversation on any issues, just 'pep rallies'. Ben Franklin, John Adams, etc. would be appalled.

I'd like to see serious discussions on the many issues facing this country. If the general US population doesn't understand the details, perhaps it might encourage people to read avidly and research things before making decisions. I even do that at Krogers (I'm a comparison shopper).

I suspect that the general US population is a lot more intelligent than the media or the politicians assume.

As for energy and transportation, we're rapidly moving from a third world nation to a fourth world nation...

Bob Johnson
Not a PE (Professionally Licensed Engineer), but I do have a BSME and an MSME specializing in transportation

BTW, I consider myself a 'moderate'.
I posted this Letter to the Editor of the Detroit News on the Deep Thoughts group...

Neither Presidential candidate or party has a realistic plan to address the many issues facing our country, including energy and transportation. American (and Michigan) politics has become nothing more than media frenzy and a glorified political form of 'American Idol'. I see very little intelligent conversation on any issues, just 'pep rallies'.

I'd like to see serious discussions on the many issues facing this country. I believe the general US population is intelligent enough to understand the details of the policies the candidates are proposing. It might even encourage people to read avidly and research issues before making important decisions such as electing the people who represent us. These policies could possibly affect our country for many generations.

I research such average things like shopping the supermarket (I'm a comparison shopper), and I know I'm not alone. I suspect that the general US population is a lot more intelligent than the media or the politicians assume.

Regarding energy, transportation, health care and manufacturing, we're rapidly moving from a third world nation to a fourth world nation...

What we really need now are candidates who were visionaries such as John Adams or Woodrow Wilson.


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