Mohawks Rock

i don't want to label my self but i consider myself a punk i listen to punk, im an anarchist, and i hang out with punks. What I want to know is whats with the vegetarian thing, i don't get it. Sure animal rights is wonderful and necessary but i know i don't and many other don't have the money to buy vegetarian/vegan food or free range meat. Also, its probably true that if animals had the brains and thumbs they would eat us, so just comment on you thoughts of vegetarianism, peta, veganism, and so on.

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yeah i just read this and i didnt mean that 30+ punks are unacceptable and what not but its just odd being a senior in high school and finding myself only talking to people 30+ at concerts, like i just saw Behind Enemy Lines and there were only like 5ish people around my age
the small talk thing is the same for me you just kinda ramble about your beliefs and shit
hahaha peta is funny as shit! and some animals would eat us such as bears, sharks, tigers and if it was legal alot of us would be cannibals and eat other people. me personally i luv red meat and in the words of Denis Leary "Egg plant tastes like egg plant but meat tastes like murder and murder tastes pretty goddamn good". but i have no problem with vegetarians it doesnt change who you are but peta well...they always give me a good laugh. animal rights is one thing but petas a whole other fuckin thing.
yah peta takes it too far and it does become funny
the punk movement was all about being the opposite of society. not necessarily saving the environment vegs are way different today then they were back in the birth of punk.
I don't consider myself a punk exactly, even though I dress like one, as I spend more time listening to Industrial music. Although I've been vegetarian for nearly two months now so I suppose my opinion fits? Lol.

Personally I find that vegetarian food isn't any more expensive than normal food. If you focus on things like salad, fruit, pasta and whatnot you end up eating exactly the same as someone who eats meat would; with less of a cost since the meat isn't added to the exact same dish. Tofu and vegetarian meat imitations are also quite easy to get and not expensive; there may not be a lot of variety but it still tastes quite good if you know what to buy. =)

As for being vegan; I simply couldn't do it because of the time it would take to actually make sure every single meal does not include animal byproducts. Once I hit twenty though, I will definately think about looking into vegan options.

PETA is actually is the reason I became vegetarian. I receive their weekly emails and sign online petitions that I have read through thoroughly and agree with... but other than that I've never spent much time thinking about the organization. They're sticking up for animals, perhaps they're doing it the wrong way, but at least it's a start. As a joke I was once given a PETA magazine to read, and found an absolutely horrifying article that I couldn't put down. After reading the article I didn't care whether it was a fabrication or not; the sole fact that it MIGHT ever happen to even a single animal absolutely disgusted me. I haven't eaten meat since.
I really don't think that I could be a vegetarian, I dont eat vegetables. Yeah I feel bad for animals, in fact I love them, but if I didnt eat meat, what else would I eat? Meat is good for you. But hey, if your vegetarian, go you! I just love meat too much to let it go.:)
Actually today, I was hanging out with some gutter punks. They all seemed to try to not eat meat, but the price comes into play. I, myself try to eat organic and some vegetarian, but the prices at the stores in nyc are outrageous.

If you can afford it, veganism/vegetarianism is a good thing, as long as you don't brag about the fact that you are vegan etc...
eh, I am vegetarian mainly because I have done the research and it's so much healthier for you in the long run.
I've been vegetarian for 5 months and I don't feel as crappy as I did back when I was a meat eater. I also haven't gained weight since I started.

But yeah, the way the animals are treated is appalling. but that's already been covered. No need to rehash.
I started making an effort about 2 months ago and have not eaten meat since then. Most of the time it has not been too hard but somethings that gave me a struggle were chicken wings (being from western NY near Buffalo...Buffalo wings are a staple of our diet =p) and this chinese dish but then I realized that I just liked the sauce so I just eat the veggies in it and put rice in with the leftover sauce.

Somebody mentioned not liking veggies...I am largely the same way but there are some I do like and even so, you can still eat organic without veggies and could eat oats, whole wheat breads, fruits etc. And if there are any veggies you do like, of course include those as well =)

The cost depends on where you are. I think west coast has a lot greater access to organic stuff at a cheaper cost than hear on the east coast. In the east I do not know of any chains that are organic based and local farmers are often fucked bad by the presence of giant places like Wal-Mart that do not depend on local farming.

I have noticed feeling quite a bit better as well since I started this. I feel more energetic and quicker in the mind. It really is better for the health in the long run, especially when you can find ways to supplement yourself with the things meat gives (i.e. protein and iron) easily. While protein is a bit over rated, iron is good to a side note...for those that think Ramen noodles have no redeeming nutritional value, you are wrong =) I was looking at this package in the store the other day to try to figure out how to emulate the spicy sauce in it and found that the entire package has something like 20-30 percent of daily iron intake! =D
i didn't know that ramen had anything in it, i still eat a lot of it, yeah i think im gonna go vegetarian soon. Also chicken wings kick ass, and it is really only the sauce, i tend to eat the sauce straight a lot. Hot sauce is also good for like soar throats and shit
Yes hot sauce is great for immune systems. I often use it for celery, fries or potato based things.


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